Chapter 31

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Niomi's POV

I sat on Jim and Tans couch looking outside the window. I came home last night after a couple of very stressful and uncomfortable days in the hospital. The doctors said I needed as much rest as possible, but how staying in a hospital alone and depressed would exactly help? Despite Jim arguing and refusing they still kept me. Idiots. But at least I had time to entertain myself or socialise with the nurses and patients and basically sleep but now I'm  home safely, I  keep pondering what Marcus was saying! And what really is going on.

You see thats what my problem is, I never let things go. I have this old habit to sort and fix everything. I remember in primary school my friends had an argument on who's  going to be the queen mermaid and they started crying over it, however I was present and fixed it. We all became queen mermaids and at the time it was my biggest accomplishment, but now it's  just a happy memory floating around. I took it from my mother, she always was the peacemaker in our family and more specifically our house and now she is finally at rest and not here to see my messed up state.

I just want to know. Curiosity is killing me, literally. I'm in such a state. I just need to know. What was Marcus talking about with JC and what did he mean by 'better watch your back' and what did Marcus mean by saying 'stay away from them' what a stupid thing to say and not tell my why, but I wasn't planning on to challenge him, they did seemed dodgy.

"Nims" I heard a distant voice and instantly my eyes lit up.

"Jim" I cheered and he entered the room walking towards the fireplace.

"How are you feeling?" He asked with a worrying expression looking right in my eyes and holding some wood for the fire.

"I'm fine" I replied, but really I didn't know how I feel, normally people say 'I'm fine' to get rid of people, but now I wished he would come and sit near me and talk to me like how we used to.

"Ok Nims" He stated and sat next to me with a long sigh.

"Is there anything I should know, what's been going on Nims, tell me" He

pleaded hugging me tightly.

"I'm fine Jim, could you drop me off home because I need to do the lau-" I said but he hushed me and looked  at me with desperation in his eye's. I sighed and looked at him.

"I need space and time Jim and I assure you I'll be fine" I nodded and smiled at him.

"I know Niomi, but you have to trust me, I'm your brother for God's sake" He  frustratingly said.

"So?" I asked.

"What do you mean so doesn't that mean anything to you" He asked with a hint of anger and confusion

"It does Jim, but I don't need a brother to taunt me and scold me right now, I need a friend to talk to and tell everything to" I sighed. I really did,

everyone was so distant from me.

"If you want I could arrange a therapist or you cou-" He started to ramble on and this time I stopped him.

"See what I mean,  you're so clueless" I angrily stated.

"What do you mean?" He asked literally looking clueless.

"I don't want that Jim, I want you" I calmly said reaching for his hand. He reached in for a hug and tightly squeezed me.

"I know you won't tell me so can you at least talk to Tanya, I'm really worried about you" He cried hugging me again.

"What part of you didn't you understand Jim " I groaned and we both


"Ok..fine...I'm all yours" He nodded and I suddenly felt more safe and warm. I leaned down and lay in his arms and started to tell him.

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