Chapter 24

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Unedited and filler, sorry X
much love, -N

Niomi's POV

I had contemplated long and hard, to come to the conclusion that leaving would be the better option.

I had been so hungover the fact that Marcus and I had a chance together, to forget the consequences. Of course he would never want me. 'It's too dangerous.' How is being in a stupid, unrealistic, relationship dangerous? That frustrates me to no end.

What an excuse Marcus, what an excuse.

After a long think, I had decided to go home. What good would it bring with me here, anyway? What am I going to tell the rest though? I don't even know. All I know is, it's best for me not to be around Marcus. He messes with my head, I can never think straight around him.

Going home to calm down whilst they tour for a few months, would sure calm me and put my mind at ease over the fact that I am no longer a burden to the boys and Tan. Plus, Zoe is going to be home and I could really use some time with one of my best friends. She'll understand, she's always genuine and she's probably bored too and in need to talk about where she stands with Alfie.
Overall, we both need some girl time.
Once Zoe answered my FaceTime call, I was greeted with her beautiful smile.

"Hey Nims." She waved enthusiastically.

"Hi Zoe." I grinned. "So there something I need to tell you." I cleared my throat.

"Go on." She ushered.

"Well basically, I want to come home." I said straightforwardly, cutting around bushes.

"Why?" She asked, shocked to say the least.

"Well a lot has happened," I breathed. "But I guess I can explain when I'm home. We can have a sleepover or something."

"By that, I'm hoping it means we're both staying at mine or yours till the rest are back?" She asked hope gleaming in her eyes. Whenever the boys do have things regarding work and they leave for more than a day or two, Zoe and I usually hang around together.

"Yes, that's exactly what I mean." I laughed in agreement. "There's only one problem though, I don't know how to tell the guys."

"I can't help until I know the problem, but, make it up, chances are they'll understand." She winks.

"So... How's the whole having space thing working?" I questioned awkwardly.

"Oh," she cleared her throat. "Better than expected. I just have a few problems going on of my own right now." she told me hesitantly.

"Care to elaborate?" I asked giving an encouraging nod.

"No." She snapped. "I mean... sorry Nims, it's just one of those things that's best to be kept on the down low until you know the real problem. you know? No need to jump to conclusions, right?" She said feebly.

"Okay..." I trailed off, not convinced she's okay.

"Seriously, don't worry, I'll tell you at some point, there's nothing alarming or anything that you should be worried about." She explained, calmly.

"I guess it's none of my business anyway, I just want to make sure you're alright." I smiled genuinely.

"It's okay. I'm sorry Nims but I've got to go. See you soon." She smiled the smallest smile she could muster up waving before cutting me off as I had said 'bye'.

I hope to god she's okay.

Stop worrying Niomi!

She'll be fine, else she would've said something if it were extremely important.

Once getting off FaceTime with Zoe I sit and think for a few minutes.

Should I even tell her what's bothering me?

Is it worth me wasting her time by dumping my problems, when she may have her own bigger ones?

I heard a knock on the door snapping me out've my trance.

"Jim." I breathed, greeting my older brother.

"Tan told me you seemed a bit in edge before, are your okay Nims?" He asked concerned.

"I'm fine." I lied unconvincingly.

"What's really the matter."

"I want to go home." I stated inaudibly, mustering as much confidence in me at the moment.

"Why?" He asked confused.

"I just... I miss Zoe and I need some time and space. Nothing's wrong, I just need my girl time with Zoe." I explained.

"But you have Tanya here." He deadpanned.

"I know... I'm just a little homesick, and I know you didn't agree with me staying home to begin with but I listened to you and tried it out but it's time that you maybe consider what I want, plus I do want to go to university soon, so revision would suffice and I just-" he cut me off.

"Okay." He agreed quickly.

"Please jus- wait what? You're letting me go home?" I questioned.

"If you don't want to be here there's nothing else we can do, then at least you put aside what you wanted and tried doing what I wanted, I see now it didn't work out but it's okay, the tour will last a few more months, hopefully if successful, then all is good." He grinned.

"Thank you JimBob." I sighed, instantly pulling him into a long needed hug.


After I had the consultation with Jim, he booked me a flight back home for a few days later and in those few day once again Marcus avoided me like the plague and ignored me at any given opportunity. I doubt he'd even bother to conjure up a simple goodbye to me, let alone spare a glance.

But fine, two can play at that game Marcus Butler.

It's a filler I know I'm extremely sorry I just wanted to give you a chapter and it's not the best I have produced but Z and I have had a busy week so hopefully by next week we'd be back to Wednesday updates and longer more intriguing chapters, if you may. 😂

Okay love you so much


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