Getting My Chance

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North Pole Excavation Sight 

As a truck moves through the artic towards an excavation sight a man in an orange jacket stands with a signal pole watching the incoming truck, eventually it comes to a stop as to figures get out wearing snow gear one is a woman with very magenta like hair her figure is slim but serious she is clearly all business, the other a man taller than his co-worker his long platinum blonde hair can be seen under his hood they approach the man with the single pole. 

"You the two from Washington?" he says as the woman responds clearly uninterested in small talk and just wanting to get this done. 

"You get many other visitors out here?" she asked her voice laced with sarcasm and snippiness which just makes the man hesitantly nod before she asks another question.

"How long have you been on-site?" she asked as the man quickly responded while fighting the cold and loud roaring winds that surrounded them as they began walking away from the truck.

"Since this Morning! Russian oil team reported eighteen hours ago," he said as the woman nodded but her co-worker had questions of his own.

"How come nobody spotted it for?" he asked quite suspicious about how nobody up until this point had found the thing they were currently here for as the man just scoffed as if the answer should be obvious.

"Honestly it's not surprising. this landscape is changing all the time" he says waving his arm out to the landscape to further his point as the co-worker just nods as the man has his own questions in the distance other workers are moving towards their location.

"You guys got any idea what this is?" he asked them as the co-workers shrugged as the man with platinum blonde hair responded.

"I don't know, it's probably a weather balloon," he said with a shrug while explaining his theory it wasn't impractical but the worker had his doubts having seen what they were talking about so he just scoffed.

"I don't think so, you know we don't have the equipment for a job like this," the man said a smile on his face as the woman clearly irritated with all of this by now looked at him and asked her own question. 

"How long before we can start craning it out?" she irritably as the man just laughed and responded at her lack of understanding.

"I don't think you quite understand, you guys are gonna need one hell of a crane," he says as they reach their destination to see a bunch of workers looking over some sort of piece of an aircraft a really big aircraft judging by the poles laid to mark the shape of it as almost all of it was submerged in ice except for the small piece of supposedly the wing. 

After some time they started drilling into the ice to open a way into the believed hull of the ship as the two co-workers prepared to enter it when the ice cracked they had been right on where they were drilling, the co-workers began to lower into the hull of the submerged ship one after the other when they reached the bottom they took a quick look around before radioing in so the control center.

"Base, we are in," said the man with platinum blonde hair a faint 'copy that' could be heard in response as the two looked around taking note the bomber was clearly ancient but also high tech. 

As they did some searching they wondered what the thing they were currently in purpose was as the woman made her way toward the cockpit of the craft almost slipping hear a silent 'careful' from her co-worker she noticed a huge lump of ice near the pilot seat when investigating she saw what appeared to be a blue and gold shield calling over her co-worker who had been investigating next to her.

"Lieutenant!" she screamed as he looked over at what she was looking at smiling somewhat seeing what she had seen knowing fully well what they had found. 

"What is it," she asked seeing he was smiling with joy and shock as he let out only one response.

"My God, Base, get me a line with Colonel," he said with joy in his eyes as a faint 'Sir it's 3:00 am' could be heard on the earpiece. 

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