Captain Britannia Vs The Witch

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Mounting her motocycle she drove on a wide trail making her way through many treelines towards the hydra base as a platoon of Hydra soldiers on bikes chased after her coming to a clearing she activated a mounted wire that attached itself to two trees before detatching itself from bike as many of the bikers ducked out of the way but two unlucky souls got thrown off their bikes as the others kept persuing her but she had more tricks up her sleeve activating a flamethrower built into the engine it caused her to speed up while burning any poor sap behind her as this poor sap toppled over from the flames while two drove to the far side of Artoria putting a few trees in between them while another ran over the crashed biker causing him to go flying off his bike as the two bikers from before drove in front of her she just smirked to herself speeding up in between them grabbing a pin on on of their bikes and speeding ahead causing an explosion behind her as the two remaining bikers blew up, seeing the checkpoint of up ahead two turret like ramp buildings and a tank coming through as she put her shield to the front of the bike as the tank and turetts fired on her missing slightly or being deflected pressing a button on her side pannel as some guns built into her bike fired on the tank destroying it in a single blast as she rode up the turret ramps falling into the main yard of the base pressing a button on her panel grabbing her shield and then flip jumping off the bike and over a tank hitting a soldier in the process doing a sweet forward somersault to the ground landing on her feet armed with her shield throwing it at the first enemy she saw as her bike made it's way toward the main door exploding opening the thing as she fought another soldier deflecting his blast and hitting him over the head and then hitting another back with her shield as one rushed at her and attempted to punch her deflecting with her shield and hitting him over the head turning back and hitting another with her shield knocking him down as she kicked him away and it sent him flying as two more made their way towards her she began to run throwing her shield at a tank as the shield bounced off the tanks armor hitting one of the soldiers as it returned to her hands while throwing the other over a tank as to flamer soldiers came over and surrounded her in fire unable to do anything she looked for a potential opening not finding any when the flames died down Hydra soldiers surrounded her aiming their weapons at her as she raised her hands in surrender. 

Hydra Soldiers escorted her through the building holding arms to ensure she didn't escape as she was brought before Morgan herself who looked to be just finishing something up though she didn't know what but it didn't matter she eyed the woman with a hateful glare she was responsible for her suffering the loss of Shirou was her fault and she would eventually make her pay for it.

"Arrogance may not be a uniquely British trait, but I must say you pull it off better than anyone," Morgan said taunting Artoria who's hateful glare did not cease from her face as the witch just smiled. 

"But there are limits, to what you can do Captain," she said facing Artoria directly her sinister smile growing even further.

"Or did Dr. Myldrinn tell you differently?" she asked not really interested in the answer just stalling till she could crush this girl's hopes more than she already had.

"He told me you were insane," Artoria responded insultingly causing the witch to grip her hand a little Artoria took note of her reaction.

"Ah, he resented my genius and tried to deny me what was rightfully mine, but he gave you everything," she explained with jealousy in her voice but Artorias face did not change. 

"So, what made you special?" she asked it was a true question for a long time the genius witch had been called mad and insane by all those around her denied what she wanted at every turn, and now seeing this girl having almost everything she wished to possess she wanted to know as Artoria just chuckled. 

"Nothing, I'm just a kid from Bristol," she said causing Morgan's face to turn to rage as she hit Artoria in the side of her face and then on the other side and in her stomach causing the guards holding her to struggle as she fell back from the witches rage as she fell to her knees breathing heavily as the witch looked satisfied with her outburst as Artoria looked up at her showing no signs of fear 'to show weakness is to admit defeat' her wise words echoed in her mind. 

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