Rescuing the sergeant

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Artoria sat in a medical wing as the nurses collected some blood samples with the last vile destroyed and Merlin dead the replication of the super-soldiers was all but dead the only hope was her genetic code as the nurse got that last blood sample Artoria lept off the table to talk to Guinevere.

"You got enough?" she asked the agent who was holding some rather irrelevant files as Guinevere nodded.

"Any hope of reviving the project is in your genetic code, without Doctor Myldrinn it could take years," she said a bit disappointed and the mention of Merlin made Artoria looked down sure she had avenged him but his death still pondered on her mind especially since all his research and experiments couldn't be utilized for anything.

"He deserved more than this," she said her voice filled with remorse as Guinevere looked sad she did not know her and the doctor's relationship all she knew was that they had seemed pretty close despite only knowing each other for a short period of time perhaps it was a mentor to their pupil but still Guinevere did her best to cheer her up.

"If it could work only once, he'd be glad it was you," she said it gave Artoria some happiness knowing that even if she was only one person she was able to help the doctor see his life's work complete but still couldn't help feel bad that it was not to the standards that others would have wanted and that is all anyone would focus on is what they could have instead of what they do have.

"Colonel Iskandar! Parliament is demanding answers!" shouted Prime Minister Churchhill from below in an office and hangar sort of area where scientists were currently tampering and studying the spies submarine that they had confiscated. 

"Great! let us start with how a German spy got a ride in your car to my secret military installation," he said mocking the minister's attempts to blame him for this the minister clearly looked offended but made no further comment realizing the Colonel was right.

"So what have we got here!" asked the Colonel to Mr. Tohasaka who looked extremely troubled as he looked at the Colonel and started explaining.

"Speaking modestly, I'm the best mechanical engineer in this country, but I don't know what's inside this thing or how it works, were not even close to this technology," Mr. Tohasaka said causing the minister to ask.

"Then who is?" he asked as Iskandar was quick to respond.

"Hydra, I'm sure you've been reading our briefings," he replied to the minister who looked irritated at the Colonel who continued to insult him.

"I am dealing with several politicians and lords daily, Colonel" he replied as by now Guinevere and Artoria had gotten to the conversation in time for Guinevere to answer the question.

"Hydra is the Nazi deep science division, it is led by Morgan Le Fay, but she has much bigger ambitions," she explained causing the minister to take off his hat intrigued by something he had yet to understand.

"Hydra is practically a cult, they worship Morgan, they think she's invincible and Invunarable," finished Iskandar as Guinevere nodded in agreement.

"So what are you going to do about it?" the minister asked as the Colonel walked towards Guinevere.

"I spoke to the King this morning, the units from the program are being reassigned we are taking the fight to Hydra," he said as Guinevere was confused as to why he was looking at her.

"Colonel?" was all she said as he started walking off.

"Back your bags Agent Guinevere and you to Tohasaka, we are flying to Northern Ireland tonight!" he said as Tohasaka nodded while wiping his sleeve but Artoria clearly had something to say on the matter.

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