Epilogue and Explanation

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Artoria felt her eyes opening as if they hadn't been opened in an extremely long time, she should be dead right? was she dead? no, she wasn't her body still felt alive as she heard radio chatter getting up slowly her mind still a little hazy finding the room to be the standard room you'd find in her time, yet it felt fake like something was off listening to the radio play something about a football game it was a game she had been to in 1941 so why was it on the radio she noticed her clothes were her 'Typical Artoria Outfit' she didn't have much time to think as a woman walked in wearing typical formal attire you'd have during her time.

"Good Morning, or should I say good afternoon," she said a smile on her face as Artoria looked around a little more the feeling that something was off was just too much.

"Where am I?" Artoria asked as the woman smiled at her.

"You in a recovery room in New York City," she said her smile becoming much more cheery however Artoria knew a liar when she saw one, this place was a deception the radio was clear enough why would a game from 1941 be playing when she went down in 1944 also why was she in New York? she'd at least thought she should be in bristol or somewhere in Britain or the U.K did the American's potentially dig her out first? 

"Where am I really?" Artoria asked causing the woman's face to be filled with confusion but it wasn't confusion in the sense of 'Are you ok' no it was 'how do they know' the clear sweat down the side of her face was the indicator that sold the deal.

"I'm not sure what you mean, ma'am?" she asked confused as Artoria laid down the information.

"The radio, that football game is from 1941 I would know because I was there, and it sure as hell wasn't in America of all places," Artoria responded the woman's face spoke all she needed to know she had been caught redhanded in her lie.

"So I will ask again, where am I?" Artoria continued getting close to the woman who looked really nervous Artoria wouldn't kill her it was clear someone had put her up to this and she didn't look as if she could harm her however she did notice she pressed a remote she was holding.

"Captain Pendragon..." she said looking hesitant like she didn't want to do this the woman knew to call her Pendragon only military officials called her that the rest of the time it was Captain Britannia.

"Who are you?" Artoria demanded as two guards came in and attempted to sedate her as she threw them at a wall to see the room was in a warehouse and not at all real an elaborate ruse toppled by the radio and the location seeing a door she made her way to it.

"Captain Pendragon wait! All agents, code 13 I repeat code 13," the woman radioed in as Artoria made her way through some sort of building with a layout that confused her as she ran into a room of 'agent's as they all pursued her but Artoria was more powerful than all of them running for an exit.

Leaving the building she almost got run over by a taxi or at least it looked like one as she saw a world she was unfamiliar with, she had seen pictures of new york city this was nothing like what she remembered the technology she was seeing it boggled her brain as she ran through the streets clearly confused out of her mind about where the hell she was seeing adds and posters everywhere slowing down to breathe and take a moment was she in the future? that was impossible but if so how exactly she should have died in the Arctic this didn't make any sense as she looked behind her to see men and women pull up in black vehicles wielding guns she had never seen as pedestrians were ordered to back off.

"At ease Captain," a voice said as she turned around seeing a woman about her height with purple and magenta like hair (A/N: What the fuck is Bazetts Hair Color) wearing a suit typically made for men her arm was clearly prosthetic as she walked up to him her smirk met her face of confusion and bewilderment. 

Captain Britannia: The First Hero a Fate MCU CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now