Captain in the military at last.

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The Colonel could be seen standing in his tent as he read out a message for someone to type it was a letter to the prime minister.

"Prime Minister Churchhill, I regret to report that, Captain Artoria U. Pendragon went missing behind enemy lines on the third, Aerial reconnaissance has proven unfruitful as a result I must declare Captain Pendragon, killing in action," he said as the man who was typing finished as Agent Guinevere walked into the tend holding photographs that didn't have much on them as the Colonel walked over to survey them.

"The last surveillance flight is back, no sign of activity," she said placing them on the table as the Colonel looked at them he was clearly irritated and disappointed.

"Go get a cup of tea, Corporal," he ordered as the Corporal who had been typing gave a 'yes sir' and walked off leaving Colonel Iskandar and Agent Guinevere alone as he walked over to another side of the table.

"We can't touch Tohasaka he's rich, and he's the army's number one weapons contractor, you are neither one!" he said looking back at her in anger as she stood at attention. 

"With all due respect, sir I do not regret my actions, and I don't think Captain Pendragon did either," she said looking away from him unable to properly face him however he didn't seem to care about her words.

"What makes you think I care about your opinions?" he asked moving closer to her to berate her more.

"I put a lot of faith in you Agent Guinevere, now Britains golden girl and a lot of good men are dead because you knew she had a crush," he said but she was quick to deny his words.

"It wasn't that, I had faith," she said as she just scoffed at her.

"Well I hope that gives you comfort when they shut this division down," he said however she had no guilt on her face as he noticed a bunch of men running to a certain area.

"What the hell is going on out there?" he asked as Guinevere turned around and saw the same thing he did as they followed the hoard leading to the checkpoint gateway that had set up as the soldiers watched Artoria and the formerly captured 67th walk into view Shirou right next to her a bit of dirt on his face as he smiled when the others roared in applause as Artoria pat him on the shoulder the same smile crossing her face as well a bit of red on her cheeks.

Entering the camp they were greeted with even more applause as other soldiers rushed to the commotion even Fionn a soldier she despised congratulated her which was a surprise to be sure but a welcome one as the Colonel walked up to her followed by Agent Guinevere. 

"Some of these men need medical attention," she said as the soldiers pointed out the wounded and the medics got to work as the Colonel looked at how fast his men were doing things as he looked back to face Artoria.

"Sir, I'd like to surrender myself for disciplinary action," she said as he took a moment to think before shaking his head a soft smile barely visible formed on his face.

"That won't be necessary," he said as Artoria took a moment to recover from the shock but nodding her head.

"Yes sir," she said as Shirou stood next to her while the Colonel took note of him before looking back at Agent Guinevere and walking away.

"Faith huh?" he said to her as he left causing all of them to become somewhat confused by what he meant but Guinevere understood as she walked up to the two.

"You're late," she said as Artoria smiled grabbing the now broken transponder that had been destroyed when she and Shirou fled the city.

"I couldn't call my ride," she joked as Guinevere and Shirou smiled at the joke with Shirou giving a slight chuckle as one of the soldiers spoke up.

Captain Britannia: The First Hero a Fate MCU CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now