Mia Toretto x reader

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(This will be my last imagine before I go away tommrow, i should be back before the weekend. So enjoy this Mia Content also made the reader gender neutral )

You watched her smiling while talking to her brother and felt your heart flutter when you heard her laugh.

Who is Her? Of course I'm talking about the one and only Mia Toretto, the little sister of pro street Racer Dom Toretto. Mia, to you, was perfect in every way,  you loved how her long brown hair blew in the wind and how her brown eyes sparkled whenever she would she you.

You however knew she had a thing for Brian O'conner, another street racer. You got jealous whenever they hung around eachother, it made you sad that it wasn't you making her laugh her smile like Brian did.

Now back to the present: You watched as Mia made her way over to you. Your heart ultimately got faster as she sat next to you. You blushed and looked towards her.

"Hey" she said

"Hi" you responded

"How are you" she asked peering at you

"I'm good, you?"

"Same, Good" she replied.

It was silent between you for awhile until Brian asked for Mia.

"Hey (Y/N/N), mind if I talk to Mia for a sec" Brian asked you

"Sure, go ahead" you said not caring looking away with a hand resting your face. They walked off and you began to tear up. Dom walked up to you and saw your mental state.

"Hey, you right" Dom asked you gently and kindly. You suddenly burst out in tears and clung to Dom. Dom was taken aback by this but returned the gesture.

"Hey what's wrong"

"Dom.. I'm in love with your sister" you said sobbing. Dom eyes Widened at what you said and smiled.

"I knew it" Dom said

"What?" You questioned

"I knew you liked my sister"  Dom  Said

"How?" You told him

"The way you look at her, i can see it in your eyes, also you blush whenever she is around, it pretty obvious"

"Oh" you said embarrassed that he noticed.

"Don't be Embarrassed, i actually hoped you two would get together" he told you

"Really?" You said

"Yes, you treat her right whenever she is upset or needs someone, you don't push her away like I sometimes do but yet she still loves me, your perfect for her (Y/N)"

You thought about it for a second then sighed.

"Thanks Dom, but she will never love anyone like me" and with that you ran Dom where no one could find you.

You ran to your House and ran up to your room and locked the door and fell to the ground crying.

Mia's POV

After my talk with Brian I walked out to the dining area but (Y/N) wasn't there anymore. I turn to Dom

"Dom...Where's (Y/N)" I said

"Oh, She/he ran out crying back to her/ his house" Dom said

My heart dropped, i ran out of my house as fast as I could. I ran into (Y/N)'s house as fast as I could. I checked every room in the house before going up to Her/His room. To my dismay the door was locked. I heard Sobbing and sniffling and i banged as hard as i could on the door.

"OPEN UP (Y/N)" i yelled, i didnt here a word and kept hearing crying. I felt awful.

"(Y/N) listen to me, if you don't open up the door I will get Dom to forcefully knick down the door. Finally i heard a click and the door opened.

There stood (Y/N) hair in a mess. I hugged her and She/he huuged back.

"Im sorry" (Y/N) said

"Sorry for what" I asked her

"For not telling you how I feel" She/He said

"What do you mean" I said

"What I'm saying is-I love you Mia Toretto" (Y/N) said

"I love you too" I said as I leaned closer to her

readers POV

I leaned closer to Mia and pressed my lips to hers. I placed my hands around her waist and she placed hers around my neck. We pulled away and I wispeared to her.

"I love you"

"I love you too" she smiled

^2 years later^

I took my gun as I fired at a target of our enemy Johnny Tran. I turned behind me and unfortunately I was shot.

I fell to the ground screaming in pain. Brian had managed to kill the person who shot me and he rushed over to me. He looked at me worried.

"(Y/N) Stay awake for me please, I'm calling the others" Brian said as he radioed the others

"Guys, (Y/N)'s been shot" Brian spoke into the radio speaker thing.

"What!" You heard Mia shout through the walkie-talkie

"Yeah you guys might wanna come quick" Brian said.

Not more than 1 minute later the others arrived, Mia rushed over and sat you in her lap.

"Please don't leave me" she sobbed

You looked up at her and smiled "I'm sorry Mia, I'm so sorry" you said while tears rolled down your cheeks. You kissed her hand and felt yourself slowly die.

"I just want you to know that I love you Mia..I love you" You said the last word breathlessly and closed your eyes.

Mia watched Helplessly and then closed her eyes and rested her head and then Sobbed. She got up amd hugged everyone.

^2 days later^
You woke up to blinding lights and tought 'where am I'

You turn your head to the left and right and see Mia and Brian asleep by your side. You Used your finger to poke them awake. They immediatly woke up and looked at you.

"(Y/N)"! They shouted. They hugged you.

"Hey I didn't know you missed me That much" you chuckled

"OH you have no idea" Mia said.

Everyone came in to visit and ask how your doing and would leave. Finally it was just you and Mia.

"I Missed you"Mia said

"I missed you too" You smiled at her.

Mia leaned forward and kissed you lips. You smiled and Looked at her lovingly.

"I love you" You said

"I love you too" Mia replied

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