Jesse x reader

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For @Alyssa2415
You walk into the garage and see Jessie working on something. You smile and walk up behind his chair and say:

"What you doing" you say grabbing his shoulders

"(Y/N) WHAT THE FUCK!"Jesse screeched .

You laughed and Jesse just pouted  "That's not funny"

"It is to me" you say as you calm down from laughing hard "What's you working on"

"Fixing something for Dom" Jesse said

"Dom always Breaking shit" you said laughing

"Yeah he is" Jesse laughed as well.

You sat in silence for a couple minutes until Jesse finished  fixing whatever it was and turned his full attention to you.

"So what do you want?" He asked

"To hang out with you, Duh" you say giggling

Jesse smiles and chuckles "Ok what do you want to do"

"Cuddle?" You ask

Jesse sighed pulling you close and you snuggled into him feeling the warmth of his body heat.

You sigh in content yawning before closing yours eyes.

Jesse leaned down and kissed your forehead and wispeared "I love you"

"I love you too Jesse" you leaned up and kissed him before laying down and falling asleep.

-Hours later-
I woke up in bed and see if Jesse was in bed but he wasn't, so you get out of bed stretching and getting up.

"Jesse?" I called out with no answer, I walk into the lounge room to see him nowhere.

I hear footsteps behind me and blood drains from my face as I whip around to see who it is.

"Boo!" Jesse screamed

"AHHHHHHHHHHH" I yelled as I fell to the ground.

Jesse began to laugh his ass off. I glare at him angrily.

"I will End you" I growl.

"No you won't, you love me too much"

I smile and say "Hmmm we'll see"

Jesse looked at me and went "can we now go to bed and cuddle".

"Sure" I said

We hop into bed and Cuddle until we eventually fall asleep.

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