Brian O'Conner X Requested Reader

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This is requested by Man-of-Steel79. I hope you enjoy it 😊

Warnings: Smut/Lemon

Brandy's POV
I pick up the Phone as it rings. I answer it. "Hello" i say

"Hey Brandy" came through Brian voice . I smiled at hearing his voice.

"What's up Brian" I said trying to act as calm as possible without stuttering or sounding like and idiot.

"Nothing, I just wanted to know if you wanted to come over for dinner and a movie" he said

"Oh ok, Will the gang be there" I asked.

"No...just me and you" he said "so what you say?"

I blush, it was just gonna be me and him..alone...together. I stand their awestruck until I heard Brian again.

"Uhhhhh....Brandy, you alright?" . I blush in embarresment before clearing my throat

"Yeah..oh sorry, I just got..uh....distracted, that's all" I say.

"Oh ok, what's the answer" he said again and I smile before saying.

"Yeah, I'll come over" .

I can hear Brian smile through the Phone "awesome,see you later"

"Bye Brian" I say

"Bye Brandy" he said and then he hung up.

I put the Phone down and started doing a happy dance while screaming "OH MY GOD I CANT BELIEVE THIS IS HAPPINING!"

I then realise i had to pick an outfit to wear. I widened my eyes and run to my closet and picked through the many outfits I had until I found something that put a smirk on my face.

I chose a blue (or what ever your favourite color is) dress that was above the knee but a bit longer then the thigh.

I rush to put it on then grab my keys and purse and walk out the door and go to Brian's.

-At Brian's house-
I park my car and knock on the door and soon Brian answered.

"Brandy, come on in" he said letting me in and holding the door open

"Thank you" I say as I walk in and go sit on the couch.

"I got your favorite for dinner"he said placing the food in front of me.

"Oh Brian, thats so sweet of you" I say and start to eat.

I look at the tv to see my favourite movie playing "awww you remembered"

"Of course I did"  Brian replied smiling sitting back down on the couch beside me.

We sat and watched the movie until I felt Brian turn and look at me and I turn to face him, our lips inches apart

"Brian-" but Brian crashed his lips to mine before I said anything else.

I close my eyes, enjoying this moment that I had been waiting for.

Brian pulls away and look at me with love in his eyes. He then roughly slams his lips to mine again once more but this time, the kiss is more heated.

I lay on the couch on my back while Brian is on top of me kissing me, he licks my bottom lip and i obliged.

His tounge roams all over my mouth tasting every part of my mouth, and I moan in pleasure.

He slips off my dress leaving me in only my bra and panties and I take the chance to slip off his shirt and take of his pants leaving only his boxers.

We continue to kiss heavily until he slips off my bra and panties and me taking of his boxers.

He alinges himself at my entrance and looks at me "you ready"

"Yeah" I say before I feel a pain that doesn't lasts that long before I feel Brian press his lips against mine again.

Brian thrusts inside me as I move my hips moaning at the pleasure. He then uses a thumb to rub my bud making me moan more.

Brian pulls out of me, and kisses down my body until he reaches my regions and begins sucking and licking making me buck my hips in pleasure.
Brian smiles as he stops making me whimper.

He then slams himself into me again as i gasp and hold onto the sheets as I feel Brian's trusting go faster and faster until he went slower and slower.

I feel an orgasm coming as I moan "B-Bria-an" as I arch my back, the pleasure if the orgasm making itself known.

Brian says "i-i think I'm gonna cum"

"Me-e too" I say and we both moan as we both Climax.

Brian kisses my lips and I say "I love you Brian"

Brian smiles and chuckles and says "I love you too Brandy" as we cuddle up and enjoy eachothers presence.

And another imagine done, I'm so sorry this took so long, schools been a bit of bitch (pardon my french) because I had exams and tests and other school stuff.

I hope this does justice.

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