Ramsey x Fem Reader

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SOFTIEFORJEFFANDALBY Here you go the long awaited request

Ramsey sat at the table in jealousy as she watched you talk with Brian.

She felt herself glare at them and yshe let out a low growl. She angrily took a sip of her drink .

She assumed that you and Brian were 'dating' because you two would hang with eachother.

She got up and walked over to you and Brian "Hey" she said but..nothing.

"Hello" she said again but no answer, you and Brian just kept on talking.

She sighed and walked away before going to Roman. He looked at her and smiled

"Hey Ramsey, would you like to come and have a karaoke night at Dom's tonight" he asked

Ramsey turned to look at you and Brian  before turning back to Roman and smiling "Hell yeah"

"Awesome" Roman said before leaving her.

-Time skip brought to you by 'shit's about to go Down'-

It was Finally Time for Karaoke night and everyone was excited.

First was Brian and Roman Singing  'Without me' By Eminem.

At the end everyone clapped. They actually were really good at rapping.

Next was Dom (can he sing though 😏 we are about to find out).

He was singing ' Shake it off' by Taylor swift (I'm sorry....It was the only thing I could think of)

And next was Ramsey singing "Another Love" by Tom Odell:

I wanna take you somewhere so you know I care
But it's so cold and I don't know where
I brought you daffodils in a pretty string
But they won't flower like they did last spring
And I wanna kiss you, make you feel alright
I'm just so tired to share my nights
I wanna cry and I wanna love
But all my tears have been used up

On another love, another love
All my tears have been used up
On another love, another love
All my tears have been used up
On another love, another love
All the tears have been used up,up

[Verse 2]
And if somebody hurts you, I wanna fight
But my hands been broken one too many times
So I'll use my voice, I'll be so fucking rude
Words, they always win, but I know I'll lose
And I'd sing a song that'd be just ours
But I sang 'em all to another heart
And I wanna cry, I wanna learn to love
But all my tears have been used up

On another love, another love
All my tears have been used up
On another love, another love
All my tears have been used up
On another love, another love
All my tears have been used up, up

(Oh, need a love, now, my heart is thinking of)
I wanna sing a song that'd be just ours
But I sang 'em all to another heart
And I wanna cry, I wanna fall in love
But all my tears have been used up

On another love, another love
All my tears have been used up
On another love, another love
All my tears have been used up
On another love, another love
All my tears have been used up, up

Ramsey Finished singing and then looked around the room and everyone started clapping and the loudest clap was heard from You, who was also cheering.


"Yeah...I never have really..sang in front of anyone before" she said embarressed

"You should sing more often" you winked.

Ramsey's face redeemed darker and she frowned as she turned and walked away and you grabbed her wrist.

"Where are you going?" You asked her

She said "why would you want to know where I'm going?"

"Because we still have plenty of time to hang at Dom's" you said

" Well i am going home so go back to Brian and I don't know kiss or something" she said turning away fighting back tears

"You think im dating Brian don't you?" You said

She nodded her head and you smile "Brian's my brother"

"Oh" she said and looked down at the ground uncomfortably

You tilt her head up with your finger to look at you a d then you crash your lips to hers.

She reciprocated until you two pull away and smile.

"I love you" you said

Ramsey laughed "I love you too".

You heard a shout say "ABOUT FUCKING TIME!"

You turn to see Brian smiling and the team standing near you two smiling.

Ramsey clinged to your arm and Roman went "AYO YOU STOLE MY FUTURE WIFE!"

"TO LATE SHES MINE AND SHE LIVES ME MORE THAN YOU!" with that you two walk out of the room and hear roman shout


Followed by Brian "SAVAGE!"

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