Brian O'Conner x Requested! Readers

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This is for me and ashleighxxx_
We were talking  about Brian and I came up with this idea so enjoy.
This will be post-smut and me and Ashleigh are both Pregnant

Makayla's POV (pre events)
Me, Ashleigh and Brian got home from a party and we walked trough the door.

Me and Ashleigh were talking about all the fun we were having  before Brian pinned both of us against the wall and kissing us hard before taking us to the bedroom.

(Present events in Makayla's POV)
Me and Ashleigh sat on the bathtub and looked at the 2 'Positive' Pregnancy Tests sitting on the bathroom counter.

We cried and hugged eachother in comfort. We couldn't believe it, we were going to be Mothers..together.

We didn't know what to tell Brian when he got back from a mission he was on.

She stared at me "Makayla what are we going to tell Brian?"

"I don't know" I said breathing riggid. I hugged her to reassure her I was there with her in the same position.

We took the test and put them in a box and then walked out and sat on the couch..nervously awaiting Brian's  Arrival.

^20 Minutes later^
Ashleigh's POV

Me and Makayla heard the door open and I quickly snuck the box on the kitchen while Makayla distracted him.

I wrote a note saying "We are Pregnant" and slipped it on top of the tests.

I walked out to see Brian and Makayla greeting eachother.

"Hey baby" Brian said to her giving her a quick Kiss on the lips.

"Hey" she replied.

Brian walked over to me and kissed me before saying "hey babe".

"How was your day" I asked him

"Mission was a success" Brian smiled proudly "Altough I had to save Romans ass twice"

Me and Makayla sighed and rolled our eyes before saying in Sync "Typical Roman Pearce".

Brian then walked into the kitchen to get something. Me and Makayla looked at eachother nervously before walking slowly Into the kitchen.

Brian stopped in his tracks to see the box and opened it reading the note.

"We are pregnant" Brian said reading the note and seeing the 2 Tests.

Brian looked at us both Before tearing up.

Makayla's POV
Brian teared up and looked at us saying "are you guys serious right now".

We both nodded and brian started crying tears of joy "I love you both so Fuc*ing much" before kissing us both.

We smiled at eachother and Hugged Brian. We were lucky to have Brian in our lifes and we were more exited that he was the father of our baby's.

Brian had stopped crying and started bouncing up and down like a kid at the candy store.

"IM GONNA BE A DAD!"  He screamed at the top of his lungs.

Me and Ashleigh (or ash if she prefers) giggled at his cuteness.

We knew that we were in good hands with Brian.

^A couple days later ^
Today was the day we would tell the team we were Pregnant.

We were nervous because we didn't know how the team would react to the both me and Ashleigh being pregnant at the same time with Brian's children.

We got to the toretto house and walked trough into the living room. Their sat Tej,Roman,Mia,Dom and letty.

"Hey guys" Ashleigh said.

"Hey" they all said.

"So me and Makayla and Brian have something to tell you"

The team stayed silent. I took a deep breath "Me and Ashleigh are both pregnant with Brian's child(ren)."

A sudden booming of clapping was heard and crying of our friends.

I went up and Hugged Mia and Dom while Ashleigh and Brian hugged the others.

"We are so happy for you guys" Mia said

"Thank you mia" said Ashleigh.

Ashleigh POV
I cuddled into Makayla and Brian and they both kissed my head and I put a hand my stomach and the other on Makayla's stomach.

I was glad to have them as the parents of my child and Makayla the mother of our other child.

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