Roman Pearce x Reader

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(Marvel cast reference coming up)
"ROMAN!" you screamed. You walk into the living room of the toretto house and see Brian.

"Hey Brian, have you seen Roman" you said through gritted teeth.

"Oh no, what did he do this time" Brian laughed.

"He stole the last donut with red ,white and blues sprinkles" you said angrily

"Oh my god" Brian wispeared under his breath "um he was outside the last I saw him"

"Oh ok thanks" you said and ran outside, Brian hot on your heels.

You reached Roman and said "Pearce"

"(L/N)" he replied  holding the donut with red, white and blue sprinkles

"Is that the last donut with..Red, white and blue sprinkles" you said

Roman looks you right in the eye and bit into the donut, his eyes never leaving yours.

You scowl at him and say "what did I tell you would happen, if you are the last donut with red, white and blue sprinkles"

"A little foggy on it but I think it was something like..raining down hellfire" he said coldly

You heard Brian wispear "Oh shit it's about to go down"

"That's right" I say to Roman

"And here I am without an umbrella" Roman retorted

Brian's eyes widened as he looked between me and Roman and then scream "ahhhhah" and he covered his mouth with his hands.

Me and Roman started laughing and Brian started laughing too and we pretty much ended up on the ground and cryed from laughing.

"Now that's a keeper" we heard Letty say who held up her phone

"Letty..did you record us" you say

"Yep, it was to good not to film" Letty laughed and we laughed too.

"Hey letty film this" Roman said as he grabbed you by your waist and his lips smashed against yours passionately.

You both pull away and smile and then letty went "now that even more of a keeper"

I look up and she still had the phone in her hand and you stood up and chased her.

Today was a day to remember.

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