Chapter 9

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  As it happens, Snotlout and Hookfang were able to escape without a trace. The only problem about it, is that Erwin wasn't as gullible as Birger, leading to Thyra being locked up in her room after being punished once again for disobeying his orders.

She moves around the room almost feverishly, holding a wet cloth against her new black eye as she glances at her window every now and again, just hoping that the boy and dragon are somewhere safe where the villagers can't get to them. It's all worth it, she keeps telling herself. Saving them is worth the pain.

Suddenly, she hears the flapping of wings and as she looks up, she sees a black shadow floating in the air near her window, even darker than the winter evening's sky around it. "I could've known that Snotlout wasn't the only dragonrider here," she says, shaking her head. "Hiccup, I'm telling you the same thing I told him, there's nothing you can do for me so go and live your life."

"I should've known you could hear us coming," Hiccup says, appearing seemingly out of nowhere.

"I've been living with dragons for years, remember. Of course I can hear it when one is right outside of my window, even if it's a Nightfury," Thyra chuckles, shaking her head at her friend while she reaches out to pet Toothless's snout. "What are you doing here?"

"I thought it was time we talked," Hiccup says, holding out his hand to her. "I promise I'll get you back here before anyone finds out you're gone."

Thyra hesitates for a moment before she finally puts away the cloth and climbs out of her window, taking Hiccup's hand. She quickly climbs on behind him and soon they're soaring through the air. She can't suppress a happy laugh as she throws her arms wide, having missed this freeing feeling. Flying is so much more than just a transportation from point A to point B, it's a way of life and once you're used to it, it's hard to stop doing or loving.

"I've missed this," she says as they slow down and begin to descend, the flight being over way too fast for Thyra's liking though another surprise is waiting for her as they land. "Gaoth!" she gasps, jumping down from Toothless's back to run over to her own dragon, hugging her tightly. "I missed you so much, girl. I thought I would never see you again."

Tears now freely roll down Thyra's cheeks as she cuddles with the giant dragon that seems like a big puppy in her arms, just as happy to see her rider again.

"So, what's this big plan of yours?" she hears a female voice ask. Thyra turns around, seeing the rest of the team standing there.

Thyra smiles softly at them all, glad to have such good friends. "I'm going to take down my father once and for all," she says. "It's the only way to end this with the least amount of casualties."

"What can we do to help?" Fishlegs asks, stepping forward even though he seems a bit hesitant.

Thyra looks from one person to the next, smiling as she knows that she won't be alone in this fight. She wipes her eyes and gets up, keeping a hand on Gaoth's head as if to steady herself. "Okay, so here's the plan."


Some time later, Hiccup drops her off again in her room. He's gone just in time as, right as she steps away from the window, her door is opened and Birger walks inside. "We've searched everywhere but he's nowhere to be found."

"So now what?" Thyra asks, acting oblivious. "What's father's plan for now? Will the search continue tomorrow?"

"For now, the search is called off. Though I have convinced your father to allow me to stay here for the night, to make sure you're safe."

"You'll be staying here? As in, my room here?" Thyra asks, her heart pounding in her chest.

"See it as practice for our marriage," Birger says, trying to reassure her. "It's the best way I can think of to keep you safe and sound."

Thyra can't help but blush. "Are you really doing all of this just for me?"

"Of course," Birger says, walking over to the young woman, taking her hands in his. "I want you to be safe, always, so I'll do whatever is in my power to make sure that's what you are."

Thyra smiles, subconsciously stepping closer to Birger. "No one's ever done something like that for me," she says softly. "Thank you."

"Anything for you," the man says as he leans down to give her a sweet kiss, one she doesn't mind returning one bit.

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