Chapter 8

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  "Father, wait," Thyra starts, walking over to the man. "There has to be another way."

Her father just hums, looking down at her and she immediately feels like a little kid again, being told off. "Are you saying that we should let this boy go unharmed? After everything he and his people did to us?"

She knows he's baiting her but right now she can't really do anything about that. "Of course not. I'm just asking for a moment. I want to speak to him. See it as closure."

"You shouldn't give him the light of day," Birger says, looking at his fianceé like she's crazy. "Don't show them any emotion. It will be over soon enough and you'll see that it will be closure enough. I don't want you going anywhere near that guy."

Erwin nods in agreement, clearly satisfied with his future son-in-law. "I agree," he says, smirking at his daughter. "Who knows what that Hooligan will do once he gets you alone. It's obviously too dangerous to risk."

Thyra grinds her teeth, all kinds of excuses running through her head. "Someone can stay outside of the room to make sure I will be safe. Please? It would make me feel so much better. I will be well guarded the whole time."

She pouts at the two men, just hoping that Birger will crack and convince her father for her. She can see the exact moment the young man loses his nerve.

"I'll stay with them if it makes you feel better, sir," he says, turning to Erwin. "I don't think she'll relent until she gets to talk to him."

Erwin groans but nods. "That dragon will be locked up again and the boy will be detained before you're allowed anywhere near him," the man says. He waves over one of his men who immediately rushes towards the Ring as soon as he's gotten his orders. Thyra nods, curtsying quickly to show her gratitude.

"I understand, father, thank you," she says. The man grabs her arm, pulling her a little further away from Birger.

"I don't know what you're planning to do but if I find out that you're helping the boy escape or anything of the sort, your punishment will be severe," the man says, keeping his voice low and his grip tightly around her arm.

Thyra makes sure to keep her features emotionless, innocent even. "I've learned my lesson, father. I won't try anything," she says, breathing through the pain in her already injured arm. "I just need to say goodbye. I know this is all happening because of me and I have to at least apologize for causing this. This is my fault."

Erwin pulls Thyra close, making a show out of kissing her forehead, something that would look fatherly to any other person watching. "You'd better remember that," he says against her skin, making her shiver from head to toe. "Let this forever be a reminder of why you do not cross me, daughter. Now go, your little friend is waiting for you."

He suddenly releases Thyra, pushing her towards Birger a little rougher than necessary which leads to her bumping into the warrior's chest.

Birger chuckles, just thinking she's a little clumsy. "One foot in front of the other," he teases, taking her hand in his as he leads her down beneath the stands. Before they walk inside though, Birger turns the girl towards him. "You know I just want you to be safe right?" he says, looking her into the eye. "I can see that this is important to you but please reconsider. That guy is dangerous and I don't want you to get hurt."

Thyra is speechless for a moment, not having thought Birger really felt this strongly about her. "Thank you for worrying about me, but I have to do this," she says, kissing his cheek. "I promise I'll call for you when I need help."

They move on, walking to a small room where Snotlout is already waiting, tied to a chair.

Thyra gasps as she sees the poor guy stuck like that though she resists the urge to run up to him. She still has to uphold her cover. It's the only way she'll ever get to get out of this place. "Thank you for coming with me," she says, kissing Birger's cheek again before stepping away from him and into the room. "I'll be right back and I'll call for you if I need your help." With that, she closes the door.

As soon as it's closed, she rushes over to Snotlout, taking out the secret knife she keeps in her boot at all times. "What are you doing here, you idiot?" she asks, starting to cut the ropes that are holding him in place. "Don't you know how much trouble you are in? They're dead-set on killing you."

Snotlout snorts. "No worries, I have a plan," he says, stretching his limbs as soon as he's free once more. "You could do something about your hospitality around here though."

Thyra groans, slapping the back of Snotlout's head. "Didn't you hear what I said? My father has everyone convinced that you guys had me locked up for years. You being here with Hookfang is just making everything worse. I was so close to figuring out a way out of here but now I'll be back to square one because I can't just let them kill you."

She turns around her knife so the heft is turned towards Snotlout. "Here, take this. Hookfang is locked up down the hall. The lock is quite easy to crack open, it really hasn't changed since I left. Make sure you two get out of here and don't let anyone catch you."

"But what about you?" Snotlout asks, taking the knife from her. "We're here to rescue you after all."

"You can't. Not right now at least," Thyra says, shaking her head. "I'm being watched too closely and if I leave now, my father will take it out on Berk again. I'm trying to work on another way to get out but it's slow going. Just cut me and make a run for it. Trust me, it's for the best for both of us."

Snotlout doesn't seem to want to back down so Thyra thinks quickly and takes the guy's hand holding the knife, making him cut her arm. "I'd start running if I were you," she says before she lets herself fall down and cries out for help.

Almost immediately, Birger runs into the room. As he rushes over to Thyra, Snotlout seems to get into action, rushing out of the room and towards his dragon.

Thyra grabs Birger's hand, making the guy focus on her instead of the fleeing prisoner. "He tried to kill me," she says, pulling Birger close. "I don't know what I would've done if you didn't react this fast."

Birger hugs her close and a sudden feeling of guilt falls over Thyra. She knows she's leading the guy on but she really doesn't have any other choice right now. Hopefully, her father will believe her lie as well or else she's in big trouble.

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