Chapter 6

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  By now, months have passed and Thyra is still no closer to getting back at her father or getting out of there. Playing the obedient daughter did give her some perks though.

In the first few weeks, Thyra wasn't allowed to leave their home, only when someone would accompany her, and even that was rare. The only time she really went out was during the dreaded weekly arena games. They're even more vile and despicable than she remembered them being. At first, she turned her head away from the sight, earning herself a punishment every time once they got home. Now, she just makes herself watch, even if her heart breaks just a little more with every dragon that meets its end in the Arena.

Other than the occasional sneer, most people of her tribe are quite civilized towards her but no more than that. Not many even take the time to truly talk to her in fear of rubbing her father the wrong way. Surely that will change soon as it won't be long before she's tied to the tribe forever.

A few days after her return to the village, her father announced to the whole tribe that she would be wedded to their strongest warrior, ensuring she'd be trapped there, though he didn't say it in those words exactly.

At first, Thyra was sure that she'd be long gone before that would come to pass, but with every passing day, she gets less sure of that. She's still no closer to figuring out how to overthrow her father. He keeps a close eye on her and if he doesn't, he gets her so-called fiance to do so.

To be fair, the guy isn't so bad. He's kind to her and protective any time someone says a bad word about her, but her father's hand is so far up his ass that the poor man wouldn't even know what he's thinking even if his brain slapped him in the face with his opinion. It's quite sad, honestly.

Thyra chuckles, imagining the sight of her fiance's dazed look if that could really happen.

"What are you laughing about?" she hears someone say behind her. She turns around and is met with the very face she was thinking of just now.

She blushes profusely, pushing the thought away as she puts on a radiating smile that doesn't quite reach her eyes. "It's nothing, Birger, but I'm very glad to see you," she says, playing with a strand of hair that has freed itself from her braid. She can see how his attention is immediately grabbed by that small action, making her suppress a smirk. She's been flirting with this man for a long time, trying to take away her father's control over the man by replacing it with her own. It would be great to have at least one person on her side when all hell breaks loose. "Is there anything you wanted to talk about?"

Birger seems to shake himself awake, blinking a few times before looking back at her. "I wanted to invite you to come sit with me at the Games tonight," he says, his smile genuine and quite cute. "They say there's an extra surprise this week."

Thyra has to suppress a shiver, hating how happy he seems to get to attend something that celebrates murdering innocent dragons. "I'd love to go with you, but I don't know if my father will let me. You know how he is when it comes to me," she says, trying to let him down lightly though he's not having it.

"Don't you worry about him, I already asked for his permission and he said it was alright." Birger is silent for a moment before he seems to remember something. "Oh, I have something for you."

He digs into his pocket, pulling out a bracelet made from Monstrous Nightmare hide. "This is made from last week's dragon," he says, walking over to her. He takes her arm without asking, putting it around her wrist. "I had it made especially for you."

"Thank you," Thyra says, trying not to show how nauseous this 'gift' is making her. How could anyone like such a thing? It shows just how barbaric their tribe truly is.

Birger doesn't seem to notice how much his gift is affecting her as he pulls her flush against him. "Is that how you're going to thank me?" he asks, smiling wolfish at the smaller woman, his green eyes filled with barely contained lust.

Thyra resists the urge to pull away and leans in, closing her eyes tightly as she kisses him, wrapping her arms around his broad shoulders as she clears her mind, making herself focus only on this kiss. He is quick to take control of the kiss, his hands moving all over her body. She allows it for a moment before pulling back.

"Just a little longer to go," she promises even though she hopes that she'll never actually have to go through with this wedding. Birger might be a nice guy, she doesn't think she could like him as more than a sort of friend, let alone love him as a husband. Especially with the hold her father has on him. Time is running out and she knows it all too well.

"Only a few days left," Birger agrees, keeping his arm around her waist so she can't step away further. "And then you'll officially be mine."

"You can do whatever you want to do with me as soon as we're married," Thyra hums, standing on her tiptoes to kiss his cheek just above his beard which tickles her face as she pulls back. "Did you think about my suggestion to take a trip after the wedding? To celebrate us and have some time... just the two of us on a small boat." She smiles slyly, looking at him through her eyelashes. "It's been so busy here lately, I hardly see you."

Birger licks his lips, looking a little lost as he clearly enjoys the thought of having her all to himself without anyone else to interrupt them. Eventually, he shakes his head. "You know how much I'd love that but your father-"

"My father knows how important it is to have some time alone as a married couple. I'm sure he'll agree to it if you suggest it. I just want some time alone with you but he thinks I can disappear suddenly if he doesn't keep an eye on me," Thyra says, pouting up at Birger, knowing he can't handle that. "But a big guy like you can protect me from anything, can't you? Promise you'll try to talk to him? Please, for me?"

She can just see the battle going on in the guy's primitive brain. Eventually he groans, relenting. "Okay, fine, I'll try to talk to him about it but don't go thinking it'll change his mind. And you'd better be very grateful."

"I already am," Thyra says, pulling him into a kiss, allowing him to do whatever he wants. If he can get me out of here, it'll all be worth it.

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