Chapter 10

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  Just a few days later, it's finally time for the wedding. Thyra wakes up extra early that morning, making sure she looks impeccable for the big day. The last few nights, she's had to share her bed with Birger though last night she got him to sleep in his own home, alone, for one last night.

Suddenly, her door opens and her father walks into her room, not bothering to knock. "I see that you've been busy," he says, eyeing her up and down, clearly happy with what he sees. "I'm glad to see that you do as you're told for once."

"It's not like I have any other choice left. You've won, father. Just like you always do," Thyra says, making sure to appear defeated and small. "I'll do as you tell me. I'll go through with the marriage and I'll stay right here in the village."

"That's my good puppet," Erwin says, patting her cheek like he's petting an animal. "Now, time to go, dear daughter."

He takes her arm and starts to lead her to the town hall where everyone is gathered to bear witness to the wedding. Birger is already waiting for them as they come walking up to the front of the hall.

Just as it's about to start, the dragonriders come flying in, landing their dragons right outside the hall. All members of the Barbarian tribe get up, calling out angrily. Before they can grab their weapons though, Thyra jumps in, taking care to stay away from her father.

"I hope you all don't mind me inviting some of my friends," she calls out. At this, all eyes turn to her. "You see, these Berkians aren't my captors. They're my friends."

"Thyra, stop talking right now," her father warns her but she pushes through, strengthened by the presence of her friends.

"It's time for everyone to know the truth of the matter. You see, father would have you all believe that I've been held captive all these years but the truth is that I left willingly," Thyra says, smiling as Gaoth also lands next to their friends. "For years now, I've been living with dragons and from experience, I can say that what we're told about them isn't true. Everyone always tells us that dragons are these evil creatures that have it in for us, but that's not true at all. Dragons are like vikings, really. Once in a while there's a rotten apple in the bunch but most of them are innocent, loving creatures."

She walks over to Gaoth, scratching the dragon's head. "For centuries, we've been fighting dragons, killing them for fun, for sport. That can't go on any longer. There has to be a point where we say enough is enough. It's time to fight alongside dragons instead of against them."

"It's worse than I imagined," her father says, faking shock. "They seem to have convinced you that you're one of them."

Thyra shakes her head, a grave look on her face as she pulls a sword from one of Gaoth's saddlebags. "It's quite the opposite, really. You see, I taught them all I know about dragons instead of the other way around. Together with these six vikings, I changed the way the Hooligan tribe sees dragons. All it takes is a few people who are willing to open themselves up to a new way of thinking."

In response, her father also draws his sword. Gaoth growls as she keeps her eyes on the viking, making herself ready to pounce.

"It's alright, girl," Thyra says, keeping her eyes on her father as well. "Remember, this is about showing that you don't form a threat. It's him that is the threat."

"You ungrateful girl," Erwin snaps, advancing at her. Thyra only has time to block his first blow before it hits her. "Time to show what you're made of because you sure are no child of mine."

"Thank Odin for that," Thyra says, trying to rattle his cage as she moves backwards, further away from the tribe so no one gets injured by accident.

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