Chapter 15 - We skip a lot of plot

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CW: caps, shouting   ---   TW: v10lence

"Time to do some stalkin- INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALISM!" Isen cheered, stopping himself from calling his precious work stalking BECAUSE IT WASN'T STALKING OK?

Isen's fingers tapped away at the keyboard. Currently, he was in the library trying to get as much info on this Naruto kid as possible. He had tried following the guy, but after yesterday's antics, he no longer felt like that was a remotely good idea, especially since he kept losing his target.

The Wellston records said he was a cripple, but Isen wasn't buying it. How could a CRIPPLE shatter Arlo's near impenetrable barrier in one punch? WITHOUT TAKING ANY BACKLASH? Even if he was truly a cripple, Naruto would've had to train for... for A HUNDRED YEARS to be able to do that!

"Heh, time to do what I do best," Isen whispered gleefully whilst casually cracking password after password. In his opinion, INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALISM was a great way to relax after a long, stressful morning of catching fake Jokers. Especially when your life was on the line. Isen shuddered and tried to take his mind off forks and other murder weapons while trying to crack a particularly difficult password, which was taking him a whole minute.

'But why is there nothing?' he thought as he breached yet another set of 12-digit passwords that led him to Doc's Facebook page. He froze, stared at his screen for a few seconds, and hastily deleted the tab. Then deleted his search history.

Why was this so hard? Even finding info on JOHN wasn't this hard. There had to be records somewhere – maybe the Naruto guy came from far away, like England or something.

An hour later, halfway through the British government's Brexit policy files, Isen sighed. He would have to give up - those Brexit negotiations were getting on his nerves, and he had only been researching them for an hour. He had to abandon ship before his last few braincells decided to leave him.

After packing up his laptop, Isen noticed an incoming call from Remi.

"Remi? What's up?" he asked after picking up the call.

"Can we meet up soon? I want to discuss the fake-Joker problem."




John, again, had not been having a great day. Good days seemed to be happening less and less often to him, sadly, and he wasn't sure why. Maybe it was that damn Naruto's fault – he sure was annoying. Stupid red-eyes thingy. He didn't even have enough time to copy it either.

He was interrupted from his musings by Cecile, who had walked into the abandoned classroom and was now glaring at him.

"The hell do you want?" yelled John, who had learnt that the easiest way of communicating with Cecile was by yelling.

Cecile also seemed to be in a bad mood since she started their short conversation by telling John to reveal himself to the school and ended it by telling him that Sera and Arlo were friends again. Obviously, John was downright furious so he punched her. Again, his two options were to call Sera (out of the question) or just punch the problem, which he did. This specific moral was strangely effective on lots of things, including this situation.

Why did this keep happening? Was he just that much of a betrayable person, for all of his friends to turn against him? Was Fate just a jerk? Probably. But that didn't change the fact that Sera was now on speaking terms with Arlo. Well, she could do with the extra protection...

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