Chapter 3 - We Question Some Morals

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CW: caps, shouting    ---    TW: fod (yes that was an intentional error)

Headmaster Vaughn was a busy man. Because he was a busy man, he didn't usually pay much attention to whom he passed on the way to school, unless they caused him to spill his coffee. Indeed, whoever was unlucky enough to do that would have their face tattooed into his memory so he could have his revenge when they least expected it. Since this morning was a busy morning, Headmaster Vaughn did not pay much attention to the blonde-haired boy with strange whisker-like scars who barged past him at six o'clock, and thought nothing of it, except to breathe a sigh of relief that his coffee hadn't spilt. The second time the boy ran past him, however, he did notice, and wondered why he was running in the same direction as just minutes ago. After a short while, he decided the poor boy must have forgotten something. Poor boy was probably late to wherever he was heading, so Vaughn spared a moment of pity for him. The third time the boy ran past him, however, he began to get a little suspicious.



Not a lot of people can say that they've been chewed out by a Nine-Tailed Fox. To Naruto, it would happen quite often. Like this time, for example.

'Please don't kill me oh mighty destroyer of the world! I haven't even married Sasuke yet!'

'Wait... what? You actually LIKE the Uchiha?'

'What, no!!! I'm kidding! Jeesh, you senile old fox, you wouldn't recognise a joke even if it introduced itself and smacked you in the face!'

'Are you purposefully directing my attention to something else? HA! I'm thousands of years older than you, brat! That won't work on me! Now, where was I,' Kurama stroked one of his tails, deep in thought. 'Oh yes, WHY DID YOU FORGET TO TRANSFORM YOUR CLONES? YOU STUPID IDIOT! DO YOU REALISE HOW SUSPICIOUS IT IS TO HAVE MULTIPLE PEOPLE WHO LOOK EXACTLY THE SAME RUNNING AROUND?'

'Uh, no?' Naruto said sheepishly in his mind whilst scratching the back of his head.

'EXACTLY!' Kurama roared. Then he sighed. 'Haaa, if I could go back into the past, I would've told you to transform them. But, we can't. Let's just hope that no-one saw your clones. Just release them or something.'

"Who are you, my mother?" Naruto muttered as he grudgingly released all his clones.


When Headmaster Vaughn saw the fourth boy running past, he was certain he had finally lost what little sanity was left in him. When a fifth blond haired boy ran past him and poofed into smoke, he was sure that either someone spiked his coffee, or there was something weird going on. He was quite sure the former was not the case, since he had made sure to watch his coffee production, so what was happening? Looking down at his watch, he noticed that he was running a few minutes late, so resolved to remember the boy's face and work all this out later. Downing his coffee, Headmaster Vaughn set off at a brisk jog towards the gates of Wellston Private High School.


"Right! Let's go!" Naruto stood up and ran off. He had received some valuable information from his clones. He was apparently in a whole new dimension, in a place with no chakra whatsoever. What replaced it was something called aura, and that aura gave the people of this world powers, or 'abilities'. The locals seemed to call the country 'America' and the nearest city was referred to as 'Wellston'.

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