Chapter 9 - What a long day. No, seriously. This chapter is 3584 words long.

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CW: caps, shouting   ---   TW: bl**d, v10lence, k1ll used in expressions

Beep, beep, beep, bee-

"WOULD YOU SHUT THE HELL UP?!" Naruto screamed at his wall, the one separating him from John. His roommate's alarm had been going off for about 15 minutes and honestly, Naruto was going to kill someone, preferably John, if it kept going on like this any longer. The fact that it seemed to be programmed to be as infuriating as possible didn't help.

'Kit, you realize it's 8:30 and your first lesson starts at 8:40, right?' Kurama asked. Naruto paused. Then he jumped up as if someone had One Thousand Years of Death-ed him.

"Oh shoot shoot shoooooooooooot," he yelled. "Aaaarrgh, why didn't you tell me that sooner, you bag of fleas!"

'Your reactions never fail to amuse me, kit.'

"WOULD YOU SHUT UP FOX-FACE?" his oh so friendly next door neighbour screamed at him. Naruto screamed back. This went on for a few minutes until Kurama reminded Naruto that he now had 5 minutes to get to class.

"Damnit John, for wasting my time! Now I can't even make my ramen! Screw the 5 minutes waiting time!" Naruto struggled to put on his pants, his shirt and his socks on at the same time. Eventually, he was dressed in his horrible school uniform. What the heck was this bluey-green monstrosity of a colour? It looked like puke! Naruto tried to tie his tie, but only succeeded in almost strangling himself.

"Screw this," Naruto muttered, "I'll just tie it around my head like my hitai-ate (forehead protector)!"

Cursing everything he could think of, Naruto sprinted off round the corner, then realised that he had no idea where his class was, so resolved to butting his head into every room he saw asking if it was the one he was meant to be in. Luckily, the fifth one he tried had a teacher who asked if he might possibly be the new student Naruto Uzumaki.  She checked her watch. "Hm, you have 30 seconds until the start of class, so if you don't want to get a detention on your first day, you'd better plonk your butt onto a spare seat asap." Naruto meekly shuffled off towards the only vacant seat at the back of the classroom. At least that was one good thing about this class: he probably wouldn't get caught if he decided to sleep.

At 8:40 on the dot, the teacher told Naruto to come to the front of the classroom and introduce himself. The teacher went first.

"So, class, as you all know, I am Dr Shawman and I teach science. I like being anywhere that's not here." She said. Then she turned to Naruto. "That was an example. Now, your turn." She nodded towards Naruto, who nodded back at her.

"Right. So I'm Uzumaki Naruto and I don't teach science. I don't like being here either, but I hope the food here is good. Oh, and I like ramen." he announced with a confident smile, tie still around his head. Dr Shawman glared at him, gave him a crisp new textbook and sent him back to his seat. The class snickered. As he hiked to the back of the class, Naruto caught a glimpse of purple hair. Sera! She was sitting at the back of the classroom, next to his seat. Naruto wondered how he had missed her but decided that his first priority was finding something to write with, otherwise he would definitely have earnt himself a detention by the end of the lesson.

"Hey Sera!" Naruto whispered as he sat down and pushed his chair as far away from Dr Shawman as he could, "Can I borrow a pen?" Sera grinned and passed one over to him.

"You can keep it."


Dr Shawman spun round, her eyes bulging, and pointed at Naruto and Sera. "No talking! This is your first warning – if I catch you one more time, its detention for the both of you! Sera, I would have thought better of you!"

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