Chapter 2 - is Naruto insane? Is Kurama still sane? Find out....right now

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CW: caps, shouting, censored swear   ---   TW: minor (knocked out) v10lence

"WHERE THE HECK ARE WE???" screamed a certain blonde jinchuuriki. After wandering around the countryside for a few days with nobody to talk to except the crazy fox in his head ('I heard that'), Naruto had finally decided to give up on staying vaguely sane. This did not act in his favour when he finally found traces of civilisation, namely, a convenience store on the outskirts of a town. Not only did the owner not take dearly to having a person yelling about fire countries and hokages in his store, this child was clearly not here to buy some polos, especially considering his lack of money. Because of this Naruto promptly got himself kicked out of the store and resorted to sitting on the steps in front of it, sulking. It was at this point that Kurama finally admitted that at this rate, they were not getting anywhere and that it was his duty, as the only sane one of the two of them, to persuade Naruto to get some food, preferably ramen, since their chances of getting back home would be rather bleak if Naruto died of starvation.

'Okay, kit, we need to get food, so I'm going to take over now.'

'But I can do it! I'm sensible!'

'...No you're not.'

After a short mind-wrestle that was won by Kurama after bribing Naruto with 'homemade ramen', they walked back into the forest to find some food. Kurama had neglected to tell Naruto exactly what food he was going to find and eat, so he went off in search of some rabbits. Somewhere is the back of his mind (or was it Naruto's mind?) Kurama heard Naruto screaming about how he 'was a lying piece of garbage' and that Naruto was 'going to skin you alive and then rasengan you in the face you idiotic excuse of a fox ', but he ignored the incessant screeching in favour of actually finding rabbits.

Kurama's sensitive hearing heard a rustle somewhere to his right, and began to sneak towards it. He knew that he was getting closer to his prey and pinpointed its location – a little to the right, behind that bush, a few metres and-

He froze. That was no rabbit. Human voices resounded from the clearing, and judging from the tone of their voices, an argument was taking place. He peeked out from behind a tree. Yes, four teenagers, probably Naruto's age. One turned towards him, probably seeing a speck of orange among green foliage. Curse Naruto's obsession with that colour – such an eye-catching hue was not suited to hiding. Suddenly, one of the boys pushed the smaller, blue-haired boy to the ground. Naruto's will perked up, paying close attention, coaxing himself to the front of his mind. The older individuals began to gang up on the blue-haired boy, nudging him with their shoes, until one raised a hand as if to strike him-

In a flash, it was Naruto taking control. He shot out from behind the tree using Kurama's chakra to become little more than an orange blur. It was over in a few seconds - a gentle punch here, a chop to the neck there and his job was done. Finally gaining a little control over Naruto, Kurama forced him to relinquish his chakra mode and dive behind a bush.

'WHAT DID YOU DO THAT FOR, KIT?!' Kurama mind-screamed at Naruto.

'I was helping that guy, obviously. And you say I'm the one with no brain...'

Kurama calmed down a bit.

'Have you thought about what the consequences would be if we were caught? We could've been seen, kit, which would dump a sh*tload of attention onto us. And some weird-looking crazy guy ranting about a different universe would definitely end up in some mental asylum, which, however appropriate, would not help us get back home.'

'Uh... I didn't think about that...'

'You never think.' Kurama deadpanned.

'But we didn't get seen, did we? C'mon, Kurama, loosen up a bit! I was just saving the poor guy from a beating! And besides, are you assuming we couldn't break out of a mental asylum?'.

'Kami, there's no way that my words will get through that overly thick head of yours. I'm getting tired of your annoying voice, so I'm going to go to sleep. Wake up if anything exciting happens, kit.'

"Classic unhelpful Kurama, abandoning me in a totally unknown place." Naruto sighed. "What the heck am I supposed to do now?" He started banging his head on a nearby tree trunk. "Think, think, think, think!"

A proverbial light bulb appeared above Naruto's head. "I got it! I'll create clones and send them to gather information! I am a frickin' GENIUS!"


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