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you wake up at 3 am and decide that you aren't going back to sleep. You haven't slept this well in ages. 

'J-Jarvis?' You whisper.

'Yes miss (y/ln)?' The Ai whispers back, matching your volume.

'How long until sunrise?'

'About 20 minutes'

'Will i be able to see it from the roof?' You ask

'Yes miss' 

You quietly thank Jarvis and get dressed. You head to the lift and get up to the roof just in time as the sky starts getting brighter. You eagerly watch as pink emerges from the deep purples.

Time Skip

It's now around 6 am and judging by the noise of chatter this must be the usual wake up time for the avengers. You head to the common room on the middle floor and turn the TV on at a low volume. It's set on the news channel and you aren't sure how to change it so you just turn it off; the news is sad.

'hi y/n!' Steve says, walking over to you with Sam Nat and Bucky.

You wave at them and smile.

'We are heading to the training room if you want to come? I thought you could show us your powers in there.' Nat explains.

You think for a moment before deciding that shes right.

'But we have to stop if anything goes wrong' You say remembering what you've done by accident before.

They all nod, understanding.

You go and get changed into gym clothes and meet them back in the common room as you don't know where the training rooms are and you don't feel confident walking around alone yet.

Bucky hands you a bottle of water and a granola bar.

'In case you get worn out from your powers' he explains.

You take them thanking him.

'how did you know' you laugh confused.

'I uh,' He starts looking nervous. 

'well Wanda used to find her powers a bit tiring and since your powers are the same i just assumed ya know?' he rambles. you've been trained to understand body language so you can tell that hes lying, but why would he lie about something like that? 


Hi sorry for being inactive! I've been meaning to post but keep forgetting.

This is just a kind of filler chapter for now, sorry that its short.

Tortured Bucky x reader **REWRITING**Where stories live. Discover now