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(unedited sorry for the mistakes/lack of punctuation)

'What power would you like to test first?' Nat asks interrupting your thoughts.

you are better at controlling telekenisis so you suggest that.

they all smile waiting for you to start so you lift up a weight and make it hover for a moment before placing it back down. your eyes glow a gentle blue showing that your powers are in use. you also balance some smaller weights on top of eachother before standing to look at the team. your eyes havent stopped glowing but you arent moving anything, well thats what they think. you are actually slowly getting nats knife out of her boot.

you bring it to your hand and look at it before handing it back to her. she looks shocked.

'woah,' she starts, eyes wide ' i didnt even feel that well done!' she smiles.

'thats impressive y/n,' Steve looks thoughtful. ' do you think you could safely lift a person?'

you've never tried it before and you dont feel very confident but you are scared to upset anyone so you dont tell them how you feel.

'i-i probably could, ive never done it before so im not sure if its safe' 

'lift me!' Sam half shouts 'it will be fun i fly all the time.' 

you look at Steve, you dont want to get anyone hurt but steve just shrugs and nods at you.

' ok Sam please stay as still as possible, that will make it easier. ill lift you to that block,' you say pointing at a tall, foam gymnastics block. 'if you want me to stop just say alright?' 

he nods and your eyes glow blue again. a blue glow surrounds him and he slowly goes up. you focus on getting him there safely.

he laughs and waves causing you to lose your grip on him slightly. he drops a bit before you catch him again. 

'please stay still,' you remind him

he rolls his eyes and folds his arms like a child grumpy with their parent. this movement also causes him to lower ever so slightly.

'ill re phrase that, stay still or you might plummet to your death.' his eyes go wide and he stays perfectly still. you place him on the block while smirking ever so slightly.

he jumps off the block. 'that was so cool!' 

you both laugh before his face drops 'uh you werent serious right? i couldnt have died from that height could i' 

'no i was just trying to scare you into listening. the most that could happen from there is that you break a bone or two.'

he nods.

'is there anything else you want to try y/n?' bucky asks

you need to practice your telepathy but you are scared. you explain this to him without talking. 

'whats the worst that can happen? you use your telepathy to talk to me half the time.' he smiles.

'thats not the dangerous part. i can communicate just fine but im worried to try looking at peoples memories or controlling people.'

'i can get Wanda if you'd like?' Nat suggests.

'if you dont mind? i could try without her if shes busy or if you dont want to,' 

Nat starts laughing. 'of course i dont mind, why would i offer if i didnt want to?' she smiles and walks off to find wanda.

'so how are you with hand to hand to hand?' Steve asks once Nat is gone.

you remember fighting without powers but you arent sure how to physically do it. you try to explain it to him hoping that you are actually making some sense and he seems to understand. he nods before saying,

'i could show you some basic things to see if,' but before he can finish Bucky jumps at you. Steve looks concerned as Bucky goes to punch your shoulder. 

you somehow block him although you have no idea how. he swings his fist at your head and you duck before kicking his feet from under him. you gasp unsure of what you just did or how you knew to do it. a second ago you were sure he would end up hurting you but now you feel like you can defend yourself. 

's-sorry i,' you start as he stands up but you are interrupted by him bursting into laughter.

'whats so funny?' you ask, completly clueless.

'you look so confused.' he says smiling at you. Steve hides a smile too.

'because i am, what the hell just happened i didnt know how to fight a minute ago.'

'I've seen you fight before so i knew that you were capable. I didnt remember how until i started sparring with Steve so I assumed the same would happen for you. sorry if i scared you.'

'so it worked right? you defended yourself pretty well.' Sam says

you nod and smile before realising that this is the first time you have been in this training room, let alone fought anyone in the tower so how could he possibly have seen you fight?

'you've seen me fight?' you ask and he gets that same panicked look on his face.

you wanted to read his mind so badly. just one little peek and you would know why he keeps saying things like this but you can't. there are multiple reasons why you cant: one is you promised you wouldnt use your powers without a good reason and your curiosity isnt good enough in your eyes. another reason is it's dangerous to use your telepathy on someone who has been controlled before, its ok to talk to him with telepathy but if you go through his thoughts and memories you could trigger something and make him attack you. the last reason is that if he's keeping something from you there must be a reason right? 

you remind yourself of these three things to keep you from doing something you would regret. 

'oh yeah i uh saw some footage from when you were in HYDRA.' he says, lying again.

Steve, Bucky and Sam all share a similar facial expression. they clearly know something that you dont and its frustrating you.

'oh i see. sorry i ask too many questions.'

'Hi!' Wanda interrupts.

you all greet her and you thank her for coming to help you.

'so y/n what did you want help with?


Tortured Bucky x reader **REWRITING**Where stories live. Discover now