Chapter 12

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After the photo-shoot that weekend for their new album it killed Alex a little more inside to see Shay there as he tried to talk to her she would only walk passed him and ignore him, it shattered him to top it off it was the week that marked his brother’s death the only week Shay wasn’t with him the one person who seemed to know how to keep him together wasn’t there for him, Matt walked into the kitchen seeing all the liquor bottles on the counter.

“Alex dude, I know this is tough for you but you need to calm down bro everyone is worried about you.” Alex laughed.

“Wrong O fucker, not everyone. Do you see Shay here? I don’t fucking think so” He took another sip, not meaning to say all those harsh words but had no control over them.

          Matt knew he would have no luck with Alex, he sighed a little walking out of the room leaving him there to sulk putting his phone to his ear waiting for Roo to pick the phone up.

“Hey Matt what’s going on?”

“It’s Alex, he’s not doing well, he’s wasted.”

“I’ll be over as soon as possible” The line went dead.

25 minutes later Roo was there knocking on the door with Jack behind her Matt opened the door up stepping aside letting them both inside.

“He’s in the kitchen”

Roo walked into the kitchen seeing the bottles everywhere and started throwing them away as Jack helped.

“Do you have anymore on you?” Alex slurred.

“No, we came here to help Matt.”

Alex snorted rolling his eyes.

“You can’t help me”

Roo threw the bottle away that was in her hand, Jack took his phone out snapping a quick picture of Alex with a few bottles on the table in front of him sending the picture to Shay and sighed typing in. Remember what week it is? You’re not here he’s a mess.

Jack sent the text sliding his phone back into his pocket.

“We’re trying”

Alex stood up shaking his head, “No you’re fucking not.”

Roo huffed throwing the bottle in the trash hearing the other bottles crash against each other, “Why did you even tell them to come?” Alex asked his eyes moved toward Matt. “You know what forget it don’t answer that” He grabbed his car keys off the table.

“You’re not driving” Roo said.

“Try and fucking stop me” Alex spat turning his back walking out of the house, Jack sighed deeply running his fingers through his hair frightened for his best friend , he sighed shaking his head as Alex was gone he bit his lip taking out his phone dialing Shay’s number.

“What are you doing?”

“Shay needs to come back Roo, I’m calling her”

“Alex, you’re not fucking driving” Roo said getting in front of him and the door, Alex looked down his eye brow raised.

“Fine, here’s the keys I’ll just walk it’s not far anyway.” He said.

“You are in no condition to go anywhere, get the fuck back in that house before I drag you back in.” Roo demanded.

“I’m not driving there Roo, you took the keys from me, I’m fucking walking I think I can manage that alone.” Alex said.

“Like I said you are in no condition to go anywhere driving or walking.” Roo said trying to stay as calm as possible.

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