Chapter 30

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                                                     Shay and Alex were laying down on the couch watching Harry Potter and the sorceress stone cuddled next to one another.

“Draco’s hot”

Alex snorted.

“No, I am”

Shay wrinkled her nose.

“Nah Draco”

“I’m hotter though”

Shay bit her lip lightly, “I don’t think so”

Alex whimpered, “But Shay Bear I’m your fiancée”

Shay shook her head and started laughing Alex tickled her sides making her squirm around a little, “A- Alex stop” Shay said between giggles as it got worse she was now on her back as he was hovered over her his brown eyes staring into her own he smirked shaking his head.

“No, not till you tell me that I’m hotter than Draco”

Shay groaned, “No”

“Then I’ll just continue this” Alex began to tickle her sides more.

Shay giggled squirming trying to get away, “P- please stop…”

Alex shook his head grinning she laughed trying to squirm out from under him but he was too strong for her she pouted giving him the puppy dog eyes, the door opened only making Alex’s head look in that direction to see Jack and Roo standing there with bags.

“Roo!” Shay shouted looking up at Alex pouting, “Let me up?”

Alex grumbled, “It’s not over” he said scooting off crossing his arms.

“I think we walked in on sex forming to Harry Potter” Roo smirked with her arms open as Shay jumped up attacking Roo with a hug.

“It could have ended up like that” Shay said with a smile on her face.

“Ron has never touched a boob, he would be horrified.” Roo laughed.

Shay laughed, “Hey where’s my hug?” Jack asked glaring at Shay.

Shay smiled, “Roo gets the hug first”

Jack pouted.

Roo smirked at him.

“Come here Jacky” Shay said in a baby voice.

Jack smirked walking over moving Roo away from Shay wrapping his arms around her, “She’s my best friend” he stuck his tongue out.

“I didn’t know she wasn’t allowed to have another best friend, my bad.”

Alex jumped up off the couch walking over wrapping his arms around her waist noticing they had bags and raised an eye brow, “Who’s bags are those?” he asked.

“Some hooker, we killed her on the way up.” Roo smiled. “Her name was Tammy”

Jack chuckled, “Roo Roo, tell them” he said smiling.

“She had a great set of personalities.” Roo smiled trying not to laugh but does anyway. “Her stage name was persatitties but she had a dark mark so she had to go.” She grinned.

Shay raised an eye brow, “Really. What’s going on why the bags?” she asked waiting for an answer.

“Lovely lady, you would have liked her.”

Shay felt Alex’s chest vibrate as he laughed, “Roo stop fucking around are you coming with us?” he asked.

“Well duh” Roo shook her head and smiled.

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