Chapter 6 part 1 (Fix)

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Hey guys I finally finished a part of this chapter and I'm still writing up my other stories at the moment so be patient if you can anyways enjoy

1 week later....

"So That's what it's like there, " Twilight said intrigued by Dippers life back in Gravity Falls. Dipper nodded and began to look outside for the moment wondering how his parents are.

"Yea, most humans back home usually wear clothes," Dipper confirmed. Twilight was continuously writing down notes on what Dipper was saying of his world and how it functions. 

"So... basically the King-" Twilight began. 

"President," Dipper corrected.

"President, has all rule over america?" Twilight asked.

"No, if the president had all rule then he would be considered as a dictator," Dipper finished.

"Also, there is the Congress and a Senate that See if the president and the laws are passed should be declined or accepted, so the president really doesn't have much power but enough to be important, " Dipper added.  Twilight was astonished and slightly confused of Dippers government. 

"So our system is like a monarchy, " Twilight asked. 

"Yep," Dipper replied. They both get up head outside of the Library heading towards the orchard. Once they finally got there they headed towards the barn house. Inside the barn was where the Pine twins usually rested at during their stay in Equestria. 

" Hey Mabel you in here?" Dipper shouted/questioned. 

"Yea, I'm up here bro," Mabel replied. Dipper and Twilight look up to see Mabel upside down hanging onto one of the support beams.

"How did you get up there?" Twilight asked dumbfounded. 

"Simple, I climbed," Mabel responded.

"But how?" Dipper asked.

"By using a ladder silly," Mabel replied giggling.  The two just face hoove themselves for even asking how she got up there which was by using a ladder. They both walked to back of the barn where there was plenty of beakers and tubes that showed they were doing some experients.

"Hey guys, are doing sciency stuff again?" Mabel asked.

"Yea, me and Twilight are trying if human genetics would be the same as pony genetics," Dipper replied as he sampled some DNA of his hair back home and some X-rays he kept with him (Don't ask). As they continued testing he found something.

"Interesting," Dipper confirmed.

"What is it?" Twilight asked.

"Well after the tests I found many similarities as if both races were cousins," Dipper deducted. 

"But how?" Twilight asked again.

"Both look completely different yet they have the same organ concept with every organ and what not would be placed like in a humans," Dipper finished.

"Ah, I get it now so both are really alike on the inside," Twilight replied. They both walked out of their little lab and looked out to see it near dawn.

"Time does fly by fast," Dipper said.

"It really does if you're doing something you like doing," Twilight added. They decided to keep going towards the barn and noticed that there was somepony at the door wearing a cloak who looked suspicious.  Dipper speeded towards the figure and halted to a stop.

"Hey, what are yo-," Before Dipper could finish the sentence he felt a sharp pain in his gut and looked up to see the figure which was a Unicorn who looked like a colt with a blue coat with dark eyes and red hair just hit him at the but of a spear he was holding. Twilight began to look in horror and screamed. As she screamed Big Mac and Applejack run out to see why she was screaming and charged the figure full speed. Applejack was going head on dodging his blows and  Big Mac went to the side with Applejack Distracting the pony Big Mac charged right into the pony causing him to fly and hit a fence Hard.
"Is Dipper alright," Aj asked worried. Twilight examined Dipper and looked up.

Gravity falls crossover MLP EditionWhere stories live. Discover now