9.Surprise! Something To Think About.

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Today was great at the restaurant too. I got a tip from a nice old lady who said I looked like her grand- niece. Old women have a different vision. Trust me on this one.

Apart from Jace, everything was okay. Why is there always Jace? Because you like him, dummy! Hey subconscious! You know what? Shut the fuck up!
I push all thoughts of Jace back.

I wanted to see my mom so I planned tomorrow to be her day. I was going to stay with her all day so I took the day off at work.

Mr. Lawkins made quite a fuss about it, saying his regulars were going to be unhappy since they all liked my service. No Mr. Lawkins! No buts today!

I took the public transit to mom's. This reminds me, I'll have to get a car since the public bus is not where I would like to be again. The sweat of people brushing my skin made me nauseous. Yeah, I'm weird and I know.

I got to mom's in no time. I rang the bell and she opened the door no sooner.
" Oh My god! Maddie! I'm so happy to see you but you didn't tell me you were coming. How's school? Is everything OK? Was your roommate a bother? We could still change rooms, you know?

That's Mom. Since Dad passed, she's been so keen on seeing to it that I was okay.I think it's because she's afraid to lose me too. No worries, Mom! I'm going nowhere.

" Mom, Hold on with the questions. I missed you so I came to spend today with you." I said and bear hugged her.

" I'm out of breath girl. Let me go!  I missed you too but you must not be coming home just because you missed me. If that's the case then, you should be coming home everyday." She said amidst laughter.

" Come in, my dear. I was just making something to eat." I followed her to the kitchen and sat at the table.

She served me omelette and friend sausages.

" I miss this, your cooking is always so good. "
" Oh Maddie! So tell me, how's campus?"

I tell her about how nice Olive is, about my job and Steve and how everybody seems to get along with me just fine except Jace.

" Don't let this Jace bother you. How can he not like a pretty angel like my girl? He's probably blind not to notice how nice you are."
Mom shrugs it off. If only my brain could process and grab that, I would be just fine.

After the meal, we watch mom's favourite movie Shaft and the Hit man's body guard. These movies are great. You should see it if you haven't.
Mom told me about how awesome her colleagues at the new clinic are and how the salary's good. She seems to like it over there. I'm so happy for her.

I leave mom's at four in order to catch the bus. " Mom, I got to go or I won't catch the bus." I still can't believe that it's been just two weeks that I entered college. Yet it feels so long ago since I left  Mom at home. She calls me everyday but I still miss her. She's the only one I've got since Aunt Hilda turned bitchy. Just thinking of her gives me the creeps. I could swear I sometimes see her following me and then her words begin to ring in my ears....' I'll always hunt you. You'll never be happy.'

" OK, give me a call once you get to campus. I love you."
" I love you more." I give her a hug and board the bus to college.

" Hi Olive. How was your day?" I asked her while changing into my pyjamas. I had shower at moms. Hurray!

" I hung out with the boys since you went to visit your mom. How's she any way?" 
" Good."
" That's good to hear then."
" it sure is."

" Maddie, I'm crashing at Louis' tonight. I'll be back in the morning. Good night. " She gets off her bed and heads out.
" Good night." I shout after her.

Just when my insomnia decided to give me a break and sleep managed to take advantage, my phone rang. Someone better be on fire.

The contact number was not any I knew but I picked it up.

Hello. The voice on the other end said.
A voice I immediately recognised. " Jace, it's that you?"

" Well, hello to you too." He said. I could hear the smile in his tone. " How was your day? "

" It was okay. How about yours?" I replied trying to keep the conversation going.

"I hang out with Olive and the boys. I took your contact from Olive if you're wondering where I got it from."

" Oh,ok. Just doesn't seem like you. " I was marvelled when I heard Jace's voice on the line. Why would you call someone you always snap at? You're yet to know.

" I called to apologize for how I snapped at you at the restaurant that day and for other days I behaved like you were shit."

What? Jason Walker apologizing? Makes no sense if you ask Madison Isabella Song. Is today my birthday or something? Nope! Today's not 18th December, so no special occasion.

" Jesus! Hand the phone over to Jace please." I say through the phone.

" It's me alright. I know its weird of me to say sorry but......" I cut him off.

" It sure is."
"But I just want to...I want to get closer to you. For these few weeks, I've been happy because I met you." He continued from where I cut him off.

Oh is all I managed to say.

" I'm an asshole. I know that. But I won't ever hurt you Maddie. Let's take things slow, ok. I'll see you tomorrow. Have a good night, love."

" Good night to you too." I hang up.
Another thing to think about. I'm still speechless. The words Jace said still playing over and over in my head.

Let's give this a try. I drift off to sleep a few seconds after or a few minutes.

Hello guys! I'm here again.
Hope you're all staying safe.

Well, this update sure is a lengthy one. 1000+ ( yeah! I just my record💃) I'll be off to school and won't be updating till March. So to make up for it, I wrote this one very long.

Hope you enjoy it.

A tip to enjoy this story: Just let your imagination take over and enjoy this ride of fantasy and ecstasy because that's what reading is about. Imagination.

Thank you for reading. I really appreciate the recognition.

A hundred and thirty eight reads and eight votes. Seriously, I'm amazed because this is a new story but thank you.

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Because it matters.

Much love from here,xx

All rights reserved.
   Afia Agyemang.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2021 ⏰

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