14. Morning kiss...

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"So let's dance when it's full moon night. What say?" He winked at her.

"Shameless!" Lilly ran towards the bathroom.

And that night Ashton did something he had never done before. He laughed. He laughed so hard that his cheeks started to hurt. He had never thought that there will never come a time in his life when he would enjoy a conversation with a woman so much. When he would find an argument so entertaining and he had never thought that one day he would be making efforts to chase his wife.

Behind the closed doors of bathroom Lilly could still hear his laughter. Turning the water taps on she looked at her reflection in the mirror. A girl with sparkling eyes and pink cheeks stared back at her and now she could no longer control her laughter. Not sure if she had ever laughed this much in her life. She still couldn't believe she just had this stupid yet funny kind of conversation with ever so serious and always stoic business mogul Ashton king. The man was hilarious.

'Slowly he seems to be breaking your defences.' her inner voice commented.

Her smile disappeared from her face as she remembered the reasons as to why she couldn't let him get closer to herself. If she allowed her feelings for him to born and grow then just like her sister her heart would be stepped upon too, her feelings will be ridiculed. If she allowed any feelings for him to grow then she would not only lose her heart but she would end up losing Sam too. And losing Sam was not something she could afford. She had promised her sister that she'll take care of Sam so he should be her only focus. So she needed to keep her distance from him for the sake of Sam.

When she finally left the bathroom Ashton was already in bed. He was wearing a t-shirt while the lower half of his body was covered duvet and she hoped he was wearing something down there too.

He chose a side for himself on the bed leaving the other side of the wide bed for Lilly. With slow steps, she walked to her side and got on the bed all the while making sure to not make any noise. Switching the lights off she covered herself with the blanket up to her chin.

The only light entering the room was that of the moon. She held the edge of the bed from her side tightly.
'As long as I stick to my side nothing will go wrong. I don't want to end up in his arms early in the morning.' She decided.

Taking a deep breath she turned her head to her right and saw the back of Ashton's head.
'Is he asleep?' she wondered.

"Don't you dare come to my side of the bed?"

Just as the words left her mouth Ashton turned to his left and his sparkling eyes met hers as he said, ''Oh, you have no idea how much I am dying to."

'Oh shit!' She quickly turned her back towards him. 'Why the hell did I open my mouth!?'

"Good night, Mrs King." Ashton chuckled.

She had no idea what was good this night. So far she had done nothing but embarrass herself. She did not remember when exactly the sleep overtook her worries but she was grateful for it.


Next morning

Next morning when warm rays of sun announced the new day Ashton slowly opened his eyes and was greeted with the sight of his sleeping bride. Yet, untouched bride, his brain reminded him and he smiled.

He had completed the first step which was to bring her to his room and on his bed. Soon they will proceed to the second step. Ashton smiled as he tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear. With the back of his fingers, he touched her cheek gently, it felt warm and soft under his touch. He looked at her sleeping face which looked calm, beautiful and serene.

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