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"Imad Lamido speaking!" He mumbled into the phone as soon as he picked it not bothering to check the caller ID, he wants to get home as soon as possible to catch some sleep. He's been getting weird thoughts since the encounter with his past earlier. And that is not good for his health, he knows that.

"And I'm Mrs. Imad Lamido, forgotten about me already?" A feminine voice replied back from the other line so he connected the call to the Bluetooth instantly knowing that this is going to be a long phone call and he will enjoy it too.

A long lost friend.

"How could I do that, Jannah Mia?" He laughed when he heard her loud intake of breath from the other end. He always knew how to get to her whenever she starts talking like this and this, is just the way to get her talking. That her name he called in a seductive tone did the trick yet again.

"Aw, I miss you so much, Habiby. And you know what? I have a huge surprise for you!" She squealed into the phone, he couldn't stop the grin from taking over his face again. She always manage to get that reaction from him all the time, she is a bundle of life.

"Really? What is that surprise again? I hope you haven't written any book about me again this time around?" She grumbled this time around and she would've threw her shoe at him if they were together at the moment. He likes to tease her endlessly about that book she wrote for him.

"No, I didn't do that this time around. And you know what is it? I'm in Nigeria right now, just landed in Aminu Kano International Airport right now and going to a hotel, suggest a good one for me." She is bouncing, he knows that even without seeing her. That woman is more of those bouncy balls than a lady with etiquette.

"Really? Why didn't you tell me about it?" He feigned hurt, he really is because he thought he was the first person she would consult knowing he lives there.

"I don't even know I was coming, I wanted to go to Abuja but I changed when I was given the option because of you so don't go berserk on me again. Now suggest a good hotel for me, I need some beauty sleep." She rambled, he could hear the commotion around her and he knew she is definitely in Nigeria cause he heard some typical African mothers' words and broken English.

"No, don't go to any hotel. You can come here to the palace and I will arrange something for you, don't waste your money like that." He suggest after thinking about the wing that is right behind his, it is empty and needs someone to stay there, it was renovated some days ago.

"Really?! That is so mice of you. Will they allow me into the palace just like that or do I need a pass?" She asked mischievously, taking a hold of her trolley and made her way out of the airport to the waiting cabs outside. No doubt, all of them know where the palace is, she don't need to ask for address.

"On, don't worry, I will talk to the guards as soon as I get there. Just tell them your name and you'll be let in." They exchanged little more pleasantries before they hung up since they are going to meet each other soon, they shall talk to their hearts extent.

He parked his car right in front of his chamber looking as a woman walked in quietly wearing her maid uniform, she is also wearing lots of makeup. Shouldn't makeup be disqualified for maids? Why are they wearing it when they are coming for work? Are they trying to seduce some of the guards there or something? He has no right to talk to his mother about this right now but will probably do it later on, very soon. They shouldn't be looking like masquerades while working.

Keeping that thought aside, he dismounted his car and made his way to the chamber leisurely, he can't wait to have some food and sleep. He could still taste the coffee Amirah made earlier in his mouth and he wants that taste to vanish immediately with something entirely different. He stopped eating so many things because of the memories they have related to Amirah but today, he crave just that after tasting her coffee.

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