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Amirah grumbled when she saw that they didn't acknowledge them, not even the Usayma that was so nice. Do people always degrade the royal maids all the time? Or she should rephrase that to maids in general? She thought Imad would've at least greeted them seeing he always has respect for everyone. But with the stoned face he came back featuring, she is not sure if he was the Imad she knew some years ago. There really is something different with his aura, gait and charisma. Something has changed drastically from those years she's spent apart from him.

"Let's get in, I think they want something." Aidah whispered to the four other girls and only one amongst them isn't happy about the fact that she is going inside the Chamber again as a maid not the mistress of it.

Just three years ago, she was accompanied there by lots of relatives, friends and well wishers. But just take a glance at her right then looking pathetic and stupid. She is now disguised as some Ameena, a despicable lady with so much makeup that changed her whole structure. One glance at her, you will never know she was Amirah and still is. She looks more mature, fair with that makeup and everyone that knows Amirah knew about her baby face and caramel dark complexion, that she won't worry about.

But what she didn't like is the fact that as soon as she stepped inside the palace she was once escorted as the young bride, married to the youngest Prince, the state's heartthrob, she hit a sight that will forever haunt her. And now, she walked in there as a maid who is going to serve to the man inside and someone who is supposed to be her mistress. Imad is not man to kiss every woman he sees or like, or has he changed after she's left? She can't even say one thing about him now, he is completely different person.

He refused to hug her when she initiated it childishly some years back, he explained how unislamic it is but what about him now? He is kissing the woman like his life revolved around her lips while she returned with equal favour, none of them shy enough to take it to the bedroom. She knew how shameless Imad is and don't know about Usayma if she is timid or not so she dropped her eyes to the floor, emotions flooding her chest and her whole being.

She loathe what she feels at the moment. It is so intense, overwhelming and extreme.

No one told her about him being married, all the girls beside her stood rooted on their feet afraid to make any noise and interrupt the heated couple then get lashed at. They continue to devour each other with vigor, and from the looks of it, they are close to ripping each other's clothes. And all she wants to do is go and rip them apart, give them a taste of their medicine then storm out. She hates seeing them too cozy with one another. It's getting on her nerves for some odd reasons she is not ready to explore.

But then she will say goodbye to her job!

She gets that they are married, kindly take your wedding vows and consummate it inside the room. Her hands are balled in fists beside her, her long grown nails making vivid crescents in her soft palms. Even with her head hung low, she could hear the sound of them still going on. Just when she thought she would clear her throat, she heard them breathing heavily. From that, she knew they have moved away from each other, finally.

He showed her around the Chamber for a bit before going into the room that was once theirs saying he needs to rest before their dinner with the whole family. This confirmed that they are married to each other for quite some time, they seem at ease with one another. The way they talk, mingle around for those few minutes is enough to tell her that. She wasn't ready for the emotion that flamed through her. From both her heart, skin and even her physical appearance if you'd look deeply at her.


It scorched deep into her veins, winging around her blood while winding away her own physical appearance if seen carefully. Her chest hurts so much, she discretely tried touching the place where her heart lies. It is as though she is doing it to scabbard the already broken heart. If it wasn't too broken before, she is now broken completely to the verge of no return. She can't stand the sight of them but does she have a choice apart from this?

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