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"Thank you." She whispered but he was still staring at her, mesmerized and out of words. She blushed ducking her head lower not to meet his gaze again but he was adamant on her looking into his eyes. He likes when they stare deep into each others eyes, he said he feels more connected to her when he stares deep into her dovelike orbs. Yup, she could yell out cliché but she don't want to ruin the moment for them.

"We are to pray right?" He grinned when she looked at him for a minute, taking in all his features like she is scribbling it fast in her memories to never forget.

"Gosh, we are crazy. We have to perform ablution and pray obviously." She rolled her eyes at him and made a move to get up but he was quick to shake his head and pick her petite frame to the bathroom where she let her mouth hang, totally forgetting about being in his arms. The bathroom was so huge and beautiful. Spruce, sargia and gold shone in her eyes making her grin, wow. Posh and luxurious life is amazing. She never thought she would see bathroom like this talk less of calling it her own bathroom.

"Now let's perform our first ablution together." He stand beside her on the other twin washing hand basin all the while looking at her through the mirror with a a creepy smile engraved to his lips. He feels like this is all a dream and he will wake up, he doesn't want to.

They performed ablution and left the bathroom to go and pray when she complained about the clothes being uncomfortable. He asked her to go and change in the closet seeing that her sisters arranged some of her clothes there. She did just that, changing into the nightdress her sister removed from the boxes just for her to wear on their wedding night. She just wants to get over this nuptial night and be done with before they leave the country the very next day, she can't wait for that.

His favourite colour, spruce. Her sister asked her his favorite colour before she removed it from one of the boxes. She was so shy of that conversation with her sisters but nevertheless stopped to hear what she was talking about and now she has more knowledge about it than she thought. Both her and Afaf were squirming when she finished with her lecture. She laughed it off seeing their hot faces staring at her like she is some alien. She was brazenly talking about it, not bothering to close some unnecessary words, she says it without fear or shyness.

Getting into the silky gown, she wrapped her straightened shoulder length hair in a white veil. She hardly keep tabs on what goes on with her hair but when her wedding came closer, her mother forced her to stretch it after each three days and she has no other choice but to do so. She has stubborn natural curly hair which always discourage her to even touch it. No matter how much she tries, it hurts whenever she combs through it. She always use a cream named pink oil to soften it or water before she combs it so she stopped troubling herself wishing she could barb it all together.

She added a long mauve hijab that closed both her feet then walked out of the closet. She gaped at the place for a few minutes before moving her feet. Everywhere around the place seems to shine with those touches of gold and other colours Imad added. People living in luxury really don't have anything to worry about. Everything is there at their beck and call so why worry about something that hasn't even come when she always thinks about what the future holds for her. One thing is certain, if she lives with Imad for the rest of her life, she won't have to bother about any worldly stuff. It will be taken cared of before she even says it.

"Let's pray." He stood in the front while she took the praying mat sprayed behind him and stood following his lead. His voice is soothing, though his voice is not always soothing but while reciting the holy book, she is lulled. Maybe she doesn't like his normal voice because she's been his friend for a long time and she has seen the worst of him.

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