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Amirah tugged at her veil, looking around the maids standing on the main ground with her. There are so many of them, she didn't bother trying to count or put number on them, she has better things to worry about than the amount of maids working in the Palace. The main ground is where maids meet for some urgent news, for a meeting or something like that. She kept glancing around like someone is about to latch out and grab her, the day could only get worst.

"Are you thinking about jumping off a cliff with that face? Because I'm going to severe all ties with you before it happens." She heard Aidah mumbled from beside her, also standing in a bored way like all the maids. Adda Nana must finish her makeup first before she comes, not bothering about the scorching sun burning their backs.

"I always knew that you hated me secretly but no, I'm jumping off no cliff." She rolled her eyes, she's been doing that a lot lately all because she's trying to hide her anxiousness. She never stopped sweating though, and the weather is making it worst for her.

"Very good. Now tell me what the heck is bothering you? What happened after you left for the kitchen?" She is concerned, Amirah could only be touched at that sign her friend always shows. It makes her more guilty each and every day about lying to her, she doesn't deserve a lying vile woman like her in her pious life. She has way too many problems that she don't want to add more people into.

"Nothing much. I just don't want Adda Nana to change my pose from the kitchen. You know how things are back at home now. With my sister's final exams coming up, Najla's slow process of growing teeth. I can't afford the diapers all the time which is the reason I ask you to google how to tie napkin. I feel like giving up, Aidah. I'm tired, I've worked enough." Unconsciously, her hand went to her chest to rub the spot that hurts all the time she thinks about giving up, she wants to but can't.

"I understand where you are going." She felt Aidah's hands around her, giving her the comfort that always comes with real friends, "But you can't give up so easily when you have gone a long way. Pray at night, Allah is always there for you, just ask." Like she always does, she gave her a gentle squeeze then moved away to stare ahead at Adda Nana who finally graced them with her presence.

If not for the fact that she is wearing different coloured uniform from them, everyone would've thought she was some elite in the state. Her brown maxi skirt and cream blouse makes her look different, much older like she is. Her makeup is caked to the brim, she is also a perfect makeup artist of her own or does she ask someone to do it for her? They have no idea but the woman is always perfect in her own way, if only she was nice and down to earth, everyone would've liked her a little.

"Hello, everyone! I know you have probably heard what this meeting is about." Her voice sleek, she makes it like that by not opening her mouth wide. But when she is mad, her voice is like a rat is pushed down her throat and she can't talk. It makes Amirah happy that the woman lacks something, riches, good voice, husband like her, and good body. Or the woman will claim to never know what defecating means, that is how great she feels.

"I told them everything." Came Mansura's voice from behind making Adda Nana's eyes to slit with underlying threat lying there. She knows not to cross the woman when she is serious, she never learns though.

"I didn't ask you, did I?" Adda Nana rose a perfectly brown sculpted brow before forcing a smile to her lips and turn to look around again like a principal searching for the criminal that he found the day before dodging classes.

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