23: LIFT.

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Amirah sighed after taking her bath and meandering back into their room only to find out she don't know what to wear. Husna is always there to help but it seems like she is not going to come that morning like she's said. Her eyes drift down to the pile of clothes Afaf ironed for her by the drawer, a smile taking over her face at her sister's thoughtfulness. A smile of appreciation took over before she made her way there.

Just as she started contemplating on what to wear, Husna graced her with her presence looking drowsy for someone who should be on their way to school. Her black and white uniform always fitted her and Amirah will say one thing, she would've booked Husna for her brother if she had any. The girl has all the qualities, the body to die for and face so innocent to want to show off to the world. If only the girl knew just how unique she is, unequal.

"I knew you were going to need my help. We are going to my school together today, I don't feel like taking the tricycle." Husna made her way to the pile of clothing to chose what Amirah should wear which she is very grateful for. She would've just stared at the clothes for another ten minutes without choosing one.

Husna handed her a pair of jade bush pants, amber crew neckline long sleeved shirt to wear before checking the hijab she wore yesterday but found out it won't match much. She ran all the way to her room to bring out amber veil for Amirah, she's been meaning to hand it down for awhile so now she can give Amirah and act like she's forgotten about it so she won't feel bad. They don't like that they are collecting stuff from her, it makes them uncomfortable and she understands where they are coming from.

"Don't argue with me please, just let me wrap this around for you." Husna closed her eyes so as to not see the stern look Amirah is giving her and after a few seconds, she heard reluctant sigh from Amirah and she cheered inwardly. She knows how to get her way too, just like they do.

"I don't want to look like I'm going there for fashion, Hus. That baby hijab would've been just fine but no, you want me to be your model." Amirah rolled her eyes but sat down on the mattress anyway, patiently waiting for Husna to do what she wants to

"You are not my model but you will be. And about the office, you work with your ex husband Amirah! He should see what he is missing, don't be all depressed and give him the upper hand, not under my watch." Husna grumbled making the veil into Algerian style that looks exceptionally beautiful on Amirah.

"Please, we should never talk about him ever again. I don't want a reminder that I'm going to see him everyday of my life. Now let's go." Amirah stared hard at herself in the mirror not denying the fact that she wants to look good to not give Imad the impression of just how horrendous her life had been since he left her.

"If you say so. Wear this please." Husna closed her eyes again, giving her the amber dockside shoes she brought from her room when she went to take veil inside. She can't help wanting Amirah to look good so she can score herself a good man from the office. She deserves that much happiness. She hopes she is not against love now after her experience.

"Husna, I'm soon going to ban you from coming to our room." She is wearing the shoes but warned her still about the outcome. She is only agreeing because the shoe is more comfortable than her old loafers that might've gotten more attention than needed when she tripped yesterday and exchanged pleasantries with the tiled floor.

"You cannot do that." Husna stuck her tongue out and together they left the house after another adieu to her grandmother who sat outside eating kolanut.

"Try me." Amirah exasperated while trying to hide her face away from people scrutinizing her.

She prefer going out as Ameena than Amirah, she gets too much attention she don't want. Everyone knew about her being Imad's one day wife, they don't know anything but her face and it frustrates her to no end. Her veil closed half her face as they walk and gist along the way to Husna's school. The girl is just talking on and on about her so-called new boyfriend Abdul-Malik. Not that Amirah isn't happy for her, she is just watching out and being timid.

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