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She breathed in, taking in the new air cloaked around them and the fresh smell of new environment warmly surrounded by galore. Her chest blossomed with a new feeling she can't place a name on but it is definitely not acerbic, she felt the eyes of someone on her but she didn't know who that is but somewhere in the crevice nook of her chest, she wanted that person to be Imad only to be brutally hit by reality when she saw the man she met days ago in the elevator. The magnanimous man, that's what his face screams.

Not wanting to act like a bitch on heat or someone rude and austere, she plastered a cute smile that Husna always complimented. The man definitely mean no harm and he is also here with them in Italy making him someone important in the company. Why else would he be in another country with only few selected department heads and their personal assistants? But she's never seen him around except that one time.

"Hello, again." He gave a heart stopping smile, his lips stretching to show his pearls again. She almost asked the address of his dentist but then swallowed it back at the last second, that is Lateefa's style and not hers.

"Hi. Maybe I should get your name this time around." She hit on, putting her big girl panties knowing Husna would've tapped her shoulder with two thumbs up to show how proud she is of her bold move. She also wants to see how different it feels having someone else to talk to away from her circle of maids.

"I'm Nazir, Nazir Jalo and you are?" He bounced on his Italian leather dress shoes, looking exceptionally handsome and affluent. The man is definitely well-known from the looks of it. She is getting curious glances from their other companions, Lateefa and Kamilah included. But Imad excluded, he's managed to disappear.

"Amirah Adam. Nice meeting you." This is where they are supposed to shake hands right? But she is a Muslim and from his name, he is also one so none of them did. She felt immensely grateful, she would've turned him down in front of throngs.

"Likewise. I thought I would see you here but not looking extra pretty today. I mean, you were pretty good last time but something is different today. Nice boss?" He is keeping that smile that is enough to rip off any girls pants, not at all exaggerated.

She gave a small chortle because she finds his words funny. Nice boss? Ha, if only. "You could say that it's the change of environment and air."

He laughed and it was rich, charming and alluring. His laugh got Amirah's knees to weaken, he looks too perfect with that carefree look etched across his face and it makes her intensely joyous that she brought that reaction to his face. He gently shook his head, checking his silver Rolex watch around his wrist before raising his head to smile at her again. This time around, there is a glint in his eyes she wants to study further.

"I have a meeting in twenty minutes and we are just landing. Can we take this later in the evening if you are free?" He pushed his hands into the pockets of his pants, seemingly trying to remove something inside then rounded his eyes when she bit her lip reluctantly and said. "I hope you are not married?"

Amirah's stomach churned, had she been married? She never enjoyed the title of being married three years ago when she indeed got married so it feels weird answering such questions. She never had to go through such situation, answering whether she is married or not. The weight of that marriage with Imad weighed her down though, it always does because it left a mark that will always remind her of that moment.

The most memorable, amazing time of her life that she'd cede and capitulate everything and anything to go back and inundate in.

A small smile graced her lips at the memory before deciding to answer. "I'm not. Just never thought I would get hit on immediately after landing in a foreign country. Yeah, I knew I had a feeling something will happen but not this." She lightened the conversation, taking the seam of her lips into her mouth then release it only for it to glimmer by the sun rays.

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