Chapter 2

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We all sat at the meeting room re- visiting our plan on how we're going to attack the club Vince. It's owned by the Mayor, Mike Kunene.The bustad that killed my parents. I was only nine when he killed my family and now is the right time for revenge. I have managed to take down some of his men but the man is stronger than I anticipated. But by the end of today, I want his soul ripped out his body and I want to be there to see the moment.
Me: This is what's going to happen, we use the back window to get in which will lead straight to the club and start shooting. Don't forget to take some girls we're running short of stock. No messing around! No mistakes, our goal tonight is to kill the mayor and have kidnap a few girls from his club.  Clear?
Few men: Yes Sir
Me: I can't hear you?
Men: Yes sir!!!!!
Me: Good, now get out of my face and do your job.
They all went out to patrol the mansion which is our headquarters. I took a glass of whiskey and walked to the window looking through the fountain next to the drive way. Today is the day, it's now or never.

The sound of curtains opening woke me up. I slowly rubbed my eyes before opening them then sat up straight, I glance at the side board and there was a tray of food. Lebogang was the one opening curtains , she had a farther dust in her other hand, I guessed she is cleaning.
Lebo: "Sorry to wake you up "
Me: "What time is it? "
Lebo: "10:00 am"
Me: "Whoa I slept till 10" I groaned
Lebo: "You were tired, don't beat yourself up- glancing at the tray- here is your breakfast "
I smiled as I took it to my lap, one thing I can say is its colourful with the lettuce and tomato on the side of the plate. Boiled eggs done exactly I like them then chicken burger and toasted bread with juice.
Me: "What did I do to deserve this? "
Lebo: "It's your birthday."
Me: "I wish it was my birthday everyday so I can get this treatment all the time."
A smiled creeped on my face I cracked up in laughter and now we both laughing.
Me:" I'm serious - eating the tomato- this is life"
Lebo: "Maybe if you had a man that would happen"- she said as she took a seat on the bed.
Me: "Men don't want me. No one ever approaches me."
Lebo: "It's the  21 century. If you like someone just tell them, gone are the days where you'll wait for the male to make a move first."
Me: "What if I get rejected? "
Lebo: "You lose nothing."
Me: "Does that cute guy still live here? He's brown skinned with a tattoo that has a star on his arm."
Lebo: Who? Nico?
Me: Oh that's his name?
Lebo: You like him?
Me: I mean...kinda, he's nice and a good person.
Lebo: He does seem like a harmless guy. By the way he's picking us up for's a suprise, you'll find out later.
She winked at me,
Lebo: Enjoy your breakfast
I wonder what that is, before the I ran out of appetite I indulged in my food and finished then took a quick shower, wore jeans with a white Tee when I went to the kitchen to put the tray. Dad was lighting the candles on a cake written 21 and the house was nicely decorated.
Me: Wow
Dad: You like it?
Me: I love it!
There was a door knock
Dad: Oh that should be Nico.
He went to open and damn it was him, he's looking good in those black pants and black tee. To think off I've never seen him wear anything besides black
He smiled at me and on his right hand he had a small gift bag.
Nico: Happy birthday Tumelo
He side hugged me, it was kinda weird and uncomfortable hug I was nervous given that this is my crush, he doesn't know that yet. My heart beated and I instantly became shy
Me: Thanks
Dad: We thought we should invite him over.
Nico has been our neighbor for since the previous year, we lived in Stellenbosch township not to far from my father's vine yard. 
"Happy birthday to you .... Happy birthday to you ... happy birthday dear Tumelo ... happy birthday to you. "
Now everyone was gathered around the table while I was beaming from ear to ear listening to them sing.
Dad: Make a wish
I wish I can be reach for higher heights and be a strong woman. I blew out the candles they clapped cheerfully
And I had to cut the cake.
Me: Take a photo please
I took my phone, instead Nico took out a small camera
Nico: I'll use this one, it releases photos seconds after taking them.
Me: Okay that will do too
Lebo, dad and I stood next to the table with me cutting the cake a smile spread across my face. One shot, a lighting appeared and the photo is taken.
The camera released the photo and he hands it over to me, Lebo comes over my side and we looked at it
Lebo: It's beautiful. We'll pay you for the photo
Nico: No need - he said nicely
I cut the cake for everyone while we engaged in a light  conversation. When we were done Nico pushed the gift bag to me
Nico: Nothing major. I didn't know what to get for you
Maybe he has this nice gold ring and he wants us to get married.
I looked inside the bag, there was a Milky Bar
Me: Thanks, I appreciate it.
I said with a slight smile, Lebo took out hers

"Time for my present, it's only something small, but I hope you like it." She handed me a present she had for me excitedly. I opened the small box wrapped with a red cover. Inside was two necklaces, matching  ones. Together they made a heart and a word written Best on the other necklace and Friends on the other, finally completing the word Best Friends when they are combined. I picked up one necklace analysing it, noting how it becomes a broken heart and incomplete without the other piece. It's material is made of the old version metal but it's the best gift I've ever received.
Me: It's beautiful
Lebo carefully selected  the other piece.
Lebo: Best Friends, that's what we are even though we are sisters I want you to know that you're the best friend that I've ever had. In the sad times and happy don't make me feel left out of small. Whenever I need someone to talk to  always there. A true definition of a best friend. I love you lil sister
Dad wiped imaginary tears.
Dad: You're making me cry
We burst out laughing. Laughter filled the air and joy and happiness in my heart. I finally had the courage to say my words of thanks

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