Chapter 3

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I crawled out my way out the club, hiding behind a car, from afar I could see Lebo getting in a police van with the other girls, at least they will take her home. The shootings continued, fidgeted with my purse looking for my phone to order an Uber. It's on 2 %
Me: "shit!" I cursed underneath my breath. How can I be so stupid and not charge my phone! I scrolled through the contacts for my father's number. The battery dropped to 1% . I heard the car ignition switch on, oh boy. The car I'm hiding behind is moving, I groaned in frustration as I moved to the other spot along with other people who came front the club, at last I reached a safe spot at the garage where I stood against the wall. I looked at my phone again, tapped the screen. Damn power off and my dumb ass forgot to even mention the club that we were going to to my father. How can I be so stupid!
Police sirens anchored around, ambulances passing by in high speed going to the club. Oh what do I do? I walk inside the shop at he garage. I went to the counter

Me: Hi can I charge my phone here.
Cashier: I'm sorry ma'am we don't charge phones here.
I stood there for a second dumbstruck
Me: Ummm can I use your phone?
Cashier: I don't have a phone.
Crap! I'm dumbed
Me: ok thanks
I went out , my instinct was to stop any car so I can go home or go to the nearest police station, get some sleep. I took my phone then put it on my bra together with my passport. I pray I don't get rapped or anything like that. I'm walking home when I saw a police van from afar coming this side. I waved my hand till it stopped, a black man like me was driving
Man: Madam
Me: Can you please take me home. My battery died and... and...
Man: At the moment we are heading to the police station, we can offer you a prison cell so you can sleep
Me: What?!
Other man: Madam where do you stay?
Me: Stellenbosch.
Other man: Tyhini! Stellenbosch is 30 kilometres away from here moss.
Man: Noba unxilile loo. Ngena evenini we'll drop you off at the police station
Me: Ok
They made space for me, I sat next to the gear the car drove off,each time he changes the gear it's like he's changing it on my thigh. Arghhhhh! It's so frustrating.
Mhlobo Wenene FM was playing and they were eating KFC literally passing pieces of meat in front of me. The smell of the meat on my nostrils. This has to be the worst birthday ever.
Man: Ungowaphi? (Where are you from)
I can't understand the language that deep, deep but I do speak it here and there and I did hear what he said.
Me: Maseru
Man: Ngconde indawoni iMaseru ?(where is Maseru)
The other man shrugged as he took a mouthful bite of meat.
Me: In Lesotho.
Ngconde: Awu! So far away
Man: What are you coming here for?
He spoke while chewing making disgusting noises.
Me: Work
They don't have to know what I am here for.
Man: I'm understanding you.
Ngconde: Matshawe, Ungasikhulumi isingisi (don't speak English)
Matshawe: She's Sotho. You understand English neh?
Me: It's fine whichever language.
Ngconde: mmhh so kengoku Mntanam uvelaphi ebusuku kangaka ?
Me: uhhhmm (I looked at him confused)
Matshawe: He is asking you, where are you coming from this late?
Me: I was at this club and then there was a shooting
They pulled over opposite the police station, listening to my story.
Me: And then some guys came in, the was this other one with green eyes and curly hair.
There was silence, the two man looked at each other. Ngconde cleared his throat, Matshawe raised an eyebrow on Ngconde, then Matshawe went out to make a phone call.
Matshawe: Umm we're going to get you home okay?
Me: I thought you said that...
Matshawe: Well organise a car that will take you home. All you have to do is relax, we know our job
He smiled.
Soon an old corolla came by. Literally in 3 minutes
Ngconde: Get in here, just tell them your address and they will take you home.
I had a little doubt but why would I because this is the police. I went in the corolla, there was a man who wore black clothes, he looked like a normal person. He looked at the review mirror and smirked at me
Guy: Stellenbosch you say?
Me: Yes
The car drove off, wait wait something is wrong here.
Me: Sir, it's not this way
I smiled nervously. Not the happy smile but the what is going on smile

"Another shot out" He banged the table." It's in one of the club's owned by the mayor and approximately 16 people got injured and 7 died."
Kenneth: Damn! These people are always one step ahead of us.
Me: if you notice the Mayor is always part of this. I suspect that Picasso and the mayor have something going on
Kenneth: You think so?
I thought about how we can get this to work.
Me: I've got a plan. Our goal is to capture Scott right about this...Nico recently started working as a team member
"I heard my name," Speak of the devil. He come closer to us fixing the belt that hand his guns on his waist.
Me: It's great that you're here. So we were saying since you're now here...this is how we're gonna take down Picasso. You're in their team now right?
Nico: Yes but not close enough to attend their meetings, I'm more like a bodyguard
Me: Listen to me. Try getting closer to them by working hard and then you get to the meeting, we get the details of any shoot out, any transporting of drugs. We need this more than ever, understood?
Nico: Understand sir.
He emerged to his seat and got down to work while I worked more with Kenneth, finding angles to attack the SINNERS. Being a special agent is a tough job because it's either you live or die, were counting on Nico on this.

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