Tony Stonem #2

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Closing her locker Y/N sighed at her photography coursework weighting her down. The whole world seemed to be moving by at an unreal pace and she felt lost. Until an arrogant "Hey Babe'' interrupted her turning to face the culprit Y/N couldn't help but roll her eyes. Tony fucking Stonem. A week ago she probably would have blushed and accepted the kiss he would place on her exposed neck but not now. Shaking her head Y/N stormed off not caring if she bumped into anyone else using the main corridor.

Frowning Tony turned to Sid hands raised in defense. "I didn't do anything." Sid raised an eyebrow well attempting to as his hat covered it slightly so it lost its dramatic effect. "Sure you didn't." He stated his bristolian accent thicker in his accusing tone. Scoffing Tony lent against the blue lockers the cold metal digging into his back but to be honest he didn't care. "She's been off all week." Tony complained hoping for some sympathy but it was Sid, his sometimes brutally honest friend, even if it was an accident. "Did you think to ask her what's wrong?" Sid questioned the taller boy already knowing the answer. Rolling his eyes Tony walked away if Y/N wasn't going to show him any love he'd find a girl who would.

Shaking his head in disappointment Sid walked after the girl knowing Y/N needed a friend right now. Spotting the girl in question sat on the college green Sid chucked his bag down before joining her. "Don't you have a photography lesson?" he asked gently god it was like walking on eggshells mainly because Sid found it so easy to put his foot in his mouth. Humming in response the girl broke her gaze on a mother and child having a picnic. "Why does he have to be so horrible Sid." shrugging Sid opened his arms to offer comfort. "I love him and yet he treats me like a play thing. Something to bring him fun until he's done with me." Sniffling the y/h/c girl wrinkled her nose pulling away halfheartedly. "Sid, did you have a shower this morning." Making a face Sid groaned "Well sorry some of us don't own 52 bath products." poking fun at the girls vast collection of bath bombs, scrubs and shower gels. Giggling Y/N thanked him for cheering her up a little.

"You going to Anwar's party this weekend?" Sid asked, changing the topic. Sighing Y/N shook her head. "No, I've got an appointment." Furrowing his eyebrows Sid nudged the girl "Oh come on an appointment at 8pm? You might as well have said you were going to wash your hair." Pouting Y/N stayed silent for a second. "I might be doing that too." The quiet atmosphere was quickly broken by Chris jumping on the pair spliff in hand. "Jesus Chris! Watch where you're waving that thing it would take someone's eye out." Without missing a beat Chris smiled his perverted smirk "That's what she said." Sighing in disbelief Y/N pushed the heavy boy off her "Chris get your fat arse off me!!" before yet again storming off. Turning to Sid Chris frowned "What's her problem?" without missing a beat Sid groaned one simple word falling from his chapped lips "Tony."

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