Tony Stonem #1

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You know that split second before disaster hits when all you want to do is scream but no one seems to hear you

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You know that split second before disaster hits when all you want to do is scream but no one seems to hear you. The silence becomes deafening. It's like you're just a ghost. It was the screeching of tyres that made it real. But there was nothing anyone could do. "TONY!!" Y/N screamed out her body not even registering anyone else let alone poor Effy who also had just witnessed that one second of horror. Scrambling to the teenage boy who lay broken on the dirty street Y/N choked back the tears adrenaline yet to take hold. "Oh my god.. Tony." The y/h/c girl begged for a sign, any sign that he was still alive. His breath was shaky and hollow kind of like last summer when they'd got a little too excited during what should have been a science revision lesson. But this time the heavy breaths weren't due to the thrill of getting caught but instead they were Tony fighting to survive. The movies always seem to make out that when the adrenaline rush hits you automatically know what to do. But it doesn't, instead it leaves you drowning in a panic. Your blood pumps so loudly in your ears it's like you're miles away from civilization fighting against gigantic waves to the point you can't hear anything. Maybe it was their punishment from the universe. "No Effy don't." Y/N pulled the youngster away hating herself for being that person. Shocked, the younger girl attempted to pull away and cradle her brother. "Effy we can't touch him not until the ambulance arrives." Nodding in understanding Effy fiddled with her school uniform she still donned even though it was way after hours. "It's going to be alright Tony I promise." Y/N whispered her own tears finally breaking free. "WHY THE FUCK HAVENT YOU CALLED AN AMBULANCE YET!" Y/N growled at the gathering crowd her y/h/c hair falling from its delicate placement. 

The gurgles seemed to calm her in the most fucked up way possible. On one hand it was awful hearing the bubbling of blood as it filled his mouth but on the other it meant he was still alive even if she didn't know for how much longer. "I'm.. I'm sorry." The dark haired boy managed to get out wincing as the pain took over. Shaking her head wildly the girl hushed him. "It's okay I forgive you." The flashing of the emergency lights drilled incessantly with a knife like aggression before they whisked Tony away. "It's going to be okay right?" Effy questioned her tough exterior cracking as she fell into Y/N's y/s/c arms. Sighing, the older girl paused for a second mulling over the choice of words she had at hand her brain still unwilling to let her think. "Excuse me Love, do you want a ride in with him?" a Paramedic asked kindly clearly used to comforting horrified members of the public. Swallowing a deep breath Y/N nodded before hesitating. "Can Effy come too? I don't want to leave her, not by herself." Smiling warmly the male led them to the vehicle before talking to his crewmate. Gingerly the girls sat themselves on the lino covered chairs the smell of disinfectant making it more uncomfortable. The tubes and beeping offered no relief to either of them. Leaning forward Y/N's held Tony's unusually pale hand in hers affectionately "It's going to be okay Tones We're not going to leave you."

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