Sid Jenkins #2

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The morning sun peeked through the thin curtains and awoke the girl

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The morning sun peeked through the thin curtains and awoke the girl. Checking the clock Y/N saw she'd woken just 4 minutes before her alarm. Scowling the girl stretched and got dressed. The scratchy blue jumper and striped tie still made her feel like a tit but what could she do about it. Yawing the girl brushed her hair and did her makeup still dreading the day ahead especially since she basically got no sleep last night after that German fucker drove into their house and caused a late night fight club with her Uncle. Packing her bag Y/N checked her journal having just remembered she forgot to get her dad to sign it. The signing was bullshit as if anyone really cared to check it but still Mrs Scott was anal about it. "Y/N" Sid called softly before poking his head into her cramped room. "Ergh Dad wants you to walk today." He started taking a seat on her messily made bed not able to look her in the eyes. Frowning, the girl turned to her older brother. "Dad never lets me walk?" searching his head for a quick answer Sid smiled weakly "Guess he thinks you're grown up enough now. Congratulations!" Sid added bowing oddly at the congrats part. 

Huffing the girl continued to pack for her lessons. "Okay? But I need him to sign my journal." Panicking, the older Jenkins snatched the book from his sisters outstretched hand. "I'll sign it. Just go straight to school okay." Nodding slowly Y/N rolled her y/e/c orbs still confused at the change of routine. Sure she was fine with it but since their mum had left Mark seemed pretty intent at keeping the youngest Jenkins his little girl for as long as possible even if she was 12. Picking up her bag the girl left Sid following closely behind. Stopping suddenly Y/N turned to her older brother. "What about breakfast Sid?" fishing in his jeans pocket Sid pulled out a rather crumpled five pound note. "Here take this." He basically thrusted at the young girl before leading her to the door. Shutting the door Sid led her past the broken car with smashed fence panels scattered wildly about. "Shouldn't I say goodbye?" Y/N quizzed, confused at her siblings odd behaviour. Sid shook his head and continued walking hoping to get Y/N to school and away from the house until he knew what to do. Scurrying after the taller boy Y/N frowned at her brother's peculiarity but hurried along regardless. 

Reaching the high street Sid paused "Will you be okay from here?" He asked still unsure of what to do next. Nodding Y/N hugged him before walking away. Sid was now more upset than ever, He loved Y/N and wanted to protect her but he didn't know what the hell to do next. Who did he tell? did he have to call someone? All he could think about was his father still sat in the chair at home dead.

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