Rich Hardbeck #1

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"Y/N YOU HOME?" Rich called up the stairs placing his guitar down in the small cupboard under the stairs. It wasn't his choice but the y/h girl had nagged him about its presence making the house seem untidy. "Y/N?" Richard called again his sharp eyes checking to see if her keys sat in the small bowl on the table. A cry erupting from their shared bedroom caught his attention that was coupled with a bang. Concern etched on his pale features. "Y/N?!" Stumbling to fix her clothes the y/h/c girl panicked. "Um give me a minute Rich!" her y/e/c orbs flickering for a hiding spot. "Are you okay?" Richard called about to open the door only to find it locked. "Y/N what's going on?" the male asked frowning. "Hold on a second." Y/N called. "No! What's going on?" Rich asked again his confusion mounting. Sighing the girl opened the door slowly a pinkish hue painted haphazardly across the apples of her cheeks. "Hi Richie." the innocent tone in her voice easing his built up tension. "What were you doing?" He questioned, shrugging the girl moved from behind the door attempting to close it. "Nothing." Shaking his head in disagreement, his 'Justin Bieber' locks he'd so lovingly called them swishing lightly in movement. Even with the door closed the small scratching could be heard. "So what's that then?" Rich joked. Y/N sighed in defeat "Fine! it was supposed to be your birthday surprise but I guess it just can't wait." Popping back into the room the girl reappeared this time holding a small ginger kitten. "Surprise?" the girl stated weakly.

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