Sid Jenkins #1

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Humming along to the radio Y/N brushed her hair preparing for her oh so beloved grandfather's arrival

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Humming along to the radio Y/N brushed her hair preparing for her oh so beloved grandfather's arrival. Her Granddad wasn't a bad guy her dad just didn't exactly like him. Turning the radio up the teenage girl sang long to Rihanna not caring about her father's screams of help from downstairs. Banging the faded pink wall Y/N hollered to her brother "Sid for fuck sake dad want's you!!" rolling her eyes at the muffled response the girl continued to get ready for a day of make believe happy families. The opening of her bedroom door broke her from her mini concert. "Hiya love um do you know how to work the hoover?" the older man questioned, shirt dishevelled from his morning panic as he attempted to clean, something which he'd never really done in his life. Sighing Y/N smiled fakely before facing her father "Dad did you try the instructions?" applying lip gloss she attempted to hold the urge to roll her eyes at bay. "Well Sidney made me get a Dyson but I just can't get it to work." The male weakly explained. "Maybe ask Sid then since he's apparently the Dyson master?" Finally happy with her appearance the girl moved to her wardrobe. Pretty much 85% of her clothes would be a no go her Granddad wasn't exactly up to date on fashion and still expected her to dress like a little woman from the 50's. This annoyed her since her and Michelle had worked hard on their aesthetic once they had grown curves that made the boys all drool. Sure that may seem dramatic but Y/N has never actually seen her Grandad out of a suit! A Suit for Christ sake. Who wears a suit to his 5 year old grandkids birthday? He does! Who wears a suit for Christmas day? He does! 

Finally making her way downstairs Y/N cringed at the mess discarded pizza boxes and Chinese lay strewn about the place. "Hi Mum how's Manfred?" She asked politely she didn't really care but even before Liz moved out the pair had a strained relationship leading her to be closer to her father. Liz opened her arms for a hug which Y/N painfully accepted, still feigning a smile, something she seemed to do a lot since her family split. Chucking herself on the sofa whipping out her phone to reply to texts, the girl could care less about the somewhat awkwardness that filled the room. Watching her mum build the hoover like it was a weapon in World War III Y/n giggled to herself sharing a look with her brother. "Sid, Y/N load the dishwasher." The older woman ordered before questioning Mark about cigarettes. Scowling Y/N followed her twin brother into the kitchen that seemed worse than the rest of the house which was insane considering they'd basically been living on take out since their mum had left. Kicking Sid in the leg Y/N pouted before clearing a space and getting comfortable on the counter. "Um, did you know Anwar was in your bedroom?" Cringing Sid nodded still loading the dishwasher. "Yeah he's up there with that psycho that tried to poison Michelle." frowning Y/N did a double take "What!? He's with Sketch. God that girl needs help. She already tried to kill me by dropping a light on me. I wouldn't be surprised if she turns into a murderer." Shuddering Sid pulled a face. "Don't joke about that!" Chuckling darkly Y/N hopped on her brother's back "No offence Sid I don't think you'd be her type. You're too geeky." Slapping the girl Sid scowled "Some girl's find it cute." He defended. Jumping off, Y/N walked off to help her dad "Yeah girls who are mental unstable." Rolling his eyes Sid thought about Cassie. Even though she was clearly cheating on him she was still his girlfriend. "Hey Cassie likes me." turning to face her poor innocent 10 minute older brother Y/N smirked mockingly. "Yeah exactly!"

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