Effy Stonem #1

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The cold english drizzle set the tone for heartbreak and betrayal. "You both FUCKED him and STILL let me fall in love with him!" Y/N's choked sobs fought over the sound of cascading water. "I can't even hate you Pandora, you're just a spineless sheep! But you EFFY!" Y/N screamed trembling in anger and utter disbelief. Taking a shaky hollow breath the y/h/c girl scowled the fury she felt almost choking her, Y/N was aware that from a distance it would look like she was shivering from the grey rain that currently soaked her to the bone. It wasn't the weather, it wasn't her showing weakness, it was a blood chilling wrath burning through her veins looking for a way out. "God why didn't you just stab me in the back from the start!" Y/N hissed, shoving the youngest Stonem violently. Effy stayed silent brushing a lock of damp hair from her face. Y/N couldn't tell if Effy just couldn't be bothered to defend herself and was currently revelling in her former friend's despair. Perhaps the girl she'd called her best friend for the past 3 years genuinely didn't know what to say, maybe she even felt just a little bad.

Messy eyed the dark haired brunette shrugged wearily. "I didn't know you liked him." She managed to finally say but it was more like a dull statement void of any emotion. "BULLSHIT EFFY BULLSHIT! You just couldn't get your head out your arse for 5 seconds to care about anyone but yourself! You're a selfish slut." Y/N snapped complete hatred filling her usually happy y/e/c orbs.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2021 ⏰

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