Boy Meets World | Shawn Hunter

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"Thank you for having my over Mr. Turner. That was a good movie." I smile at him politely.

"Sure thing, Andie. You're always welcome." He back smiles at me. Before I turn around and head back to my apartment, Shawn calls out to me from the couch. 

"Hold on. Can I talk to you?" He looks up at Turner. He nods and closes the door to give us privacy in the hall. 

"Do you want to come over later?" He whispers as quietly as he can. I nod. "Okay, after midnight. come in through the window?" I nod again and smile. He gives me a quick kiss and goes back inside. I walk back to my own apartment. 

My mom is sitting at the dinner table eating a pizza. 

"Hey ma. Dad coming home tonight?" 

"I don't know, honey." She mumbles.

 My bedroom window is conveniently right above Shawn's. I do homework while I wait for midnight. 

After I while I here a banging on the floor from the room below me. I smile and climb out my window down into Shawn's room. We whisper a greeting to each other as I look at his school work on the desk.

"Shawn, you haven't done any of this? It's due tomorrow!" I sit at the desk and flip through the pages. He walks up behind me and looks over my shoulder.

"Oh yeah, I was hoping you'd help me with it in the morning?" His mouth dangerously close to my neck, I can feel his breath against my skin. I turn to look at him. Bad idea. We look at each other's eyes. He glances down to my lips. 

"The... morning. Yeah." I blink a few times. I look around his room again to find anything else to focus on. 

"I'm stealing this." I take his leather jacket off the hook and wrap it around myself with a smile. He chuckles.

"It looks better on you anyway." We look at each other again and grin. I sit on his bed, jacket still wrapped around me.

"So Mr. Turner is really okay with us?" I ask, turning to look at him again.

"He said he was." He shrugs. I sigh.

"Well he must be, he let me in on movie night." 

We can hear the yelling from the apartment above us. And then a crash and more screams. I tense up and flinch. Shawn sits next to me and rests his arm around my shoulder. 

"You sleeping here tonight?" He asks. I nod and rest my head on his shoulder. "I'll set my alarm clock." He gets up and sets an alarm for 6:00. Gives me enough time to go back home and get ready for the day and Mr. Turner doesn't wake up until 6:30.

I get up and sit on his open windowsill, pulling out a pack of cigarettes. Sometimes he joins me but tonight he decides to get dressed for bed instead.

After I finish smoking I take off his jacket and set it near the windowsill so I don't forget it. I slip off my clothes before pulling one of his shirts over my head and crawling into bed next to him. He gently kisses my shoulder and wishes me a good night. I smile and snuggle into his warm bed.

"What the hell is going on here?" Mr. Turner's angry voice yells from the bedroom door. Shawn and I bolt up and immediately look at the clock. 6:34 am. Shawn must have set the alarm for the afternoon.

"Johnathan, nothing happened." Shawn gets up. 

"Living room. Both of you. Now." He demands, walking out of the room. 

"It's okay. We'll explain what happened and he'll understand. It's okay." Shawn kisses my forehead and stumbles into his jeans. I quickly put my clothes back on and go into the living room where Mr. Turner is sitting on the couch with his head in his hands.

"I told you I'd give you a place to live. A window to sneak out of, even. But we had a deal. You have to tell me what you're up to." 

"I told you we're dating!" Shawn argues back. I clear my throat and rest my hand on Shawn's shoulder to calm him down. Both men's faces soften.

"Mr. Turner, may I explain?" I sit next to the adult. He gestures for me to continue "Nothing happened. Yeah, we should've told you I was staying here, but I promise we have not and did not do what you think we did." I turn to look at Shawn for confirmation. He nods.

"Okay." He seems to calm down and turns his attention to Shawn. "but I live here too, Hunter. You can't just sneak girls in here whenever you want." Shawn nods, looking down at his hands before looking back up at me. 

We talk more about honesty and responsibility. Topics that come up far more often than I think they should.

"So how'd you get in? Front door was locked and we're 5 stories up." He gestures towards the door.

"There's a fire escape on the windows for a reason." 

"Not that reason" He chuckles and shakes his head. "Go home and get ready for school. I'll see you in class." He looks sympathetically at me. I get up and move to Shawn's room. 

"Through the front door."

I walk to my locker with a sigh. Bad start to a bad day.

"You forgot this." Shawn says from behind me. I turn around and hug him. He holds his leather jacket out for me to put on. 

"Woah, what happened?" He rests his hand gently on the bruise starting to form on my cheekbone. I remain silent, but he already knows the answer.

"I told him." 

"Told him what?"

"Why you stay over." 

I push away from him and look into his eyes for any signs of joking.

"I asked you not to."

"He asked me. It's not like he can't hear the yelling, Andie." He looks worried. I sigh and shrug.

"Yeah. It's probably better that he knows anyway. But you told him not to tell anyone right? Because if we have the police show up he'll know it was me and-" He cuts me off by placing his hands on my shoulders.

"I told him all that. He won't tell anyone. He said you can stay on the couch anytime you need." He hugs me tightly. I feel safe.

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