Star Wars trilogy | Poe Dameron | imagines

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I hate using "Y/N." This feels cringey enough to write so I'm using the name Delilah Brewer. It's only used twice but you can either use the interactivefic chrome extension (I think) or just correct it in your mind to fit.

"There's no way in hell I'm doing that, Brewer."

His determined eyes soften as soon as he realizes how serious you are about this. Sighing, he turns around and finishes the task and waves dismissively when you try to thank him.

"I wanted to do it anyway."

His eyes flicker to you again and then he busies himself with other work to avoid your thankful grin.

"Don't go getting sappy on me."

He tries to hide his smile after you stand on your toes and kiss his cheek quickly before running off.


While you eat lunch with Finn and Poe while the former talks about his crush on Rey... again:

"I just want what you guys have, you know?" Finn takes a bite of his meal and the gestures with his fork between the two of you.
"Well, not exactly what you have. You're always yelling and fi-

"What do you mean 'what we have'? We don't have anything." Poe glances to you and wrinkles his nose. It almost hurts your feelings but the flash of regret in his eyes afterwards shows he wasn't telling the full truth.

"Yeah, we're closer to enemies than we are lovers." You pick at the food on your mostly empty plate.

"Oh come on, do you really think anyone believes that? I bet you don't even believe it."

You look over to Poe to see his reaction and meet his eyes. A silent and accidental acknowledge that Finn may be right.

Dameron looks away and around in hopes of forgetting the sincerity in your expression. The proof that you are attracted to him.

"Just keep it casual. We're in the middle of a war right now. You can focus on dating later."

Dameron blinks away the distraction and focuses back on the former stormtrooper.
"You'll find someone. You just got free from the First Order, don't be surprised if it takes you a little longer to date."

"What, like you did with the Twi'lek in Batuu last month?"

"That wasn't dating, it was one night."
He smirks at the thought and goes back to his food.

You scoff and get up to throw away the rest of your plate. His nonchalant nature of his one night stands- although it usually wouldn't- bothers you.



You've mentioned that you wish you had more time with Han to learn how to properly pilot.

"Where are we going?" You skip along next to Poe as he leads you to the hanger.

"This is my T-70 X-wing. Best one we have,"
He proudly introduces the ship and then quickly rubs a dirt mark off the paint.
His proud smile makes you happy and you love how pleased he is with his skills. But of course you can't let him know that; the ego boost alone would make him unbearable.

"Looks like shit,"
He wavers for a second but you grin to let him know you're teasing. He jokingly sneers and we move on.

"She's one hell of an Starfighter. Done a lot for the rebellion. But I don't see anything wrong, does she need repairing? I'd need to grab my tools and-

"Put this on." He hands you a helmet.


"Would you just do what I tell you for once?"

"You know I can't do that, Dameron." Smirking, you take the helmet and put it on.

"You make it real hard to be nice to you, you know that?" He takes off his pilots jacket, sets it over your shoulders, and buckles the chin strap of your helmet.

His mind halts when he takes in the sight of you.
Wearing his helmet. His jacket. Bouncing excitedly on the balls of your feet in front of his ship.

"What?" Your innocent confusion breaks his thoughts and he turns away to prepare the ship.

"Organa would kill me if she found out so keep this between us, yeah?"

"Found out what?"

"Don't play dumb, Lila. I'm teaching you how to pilot." He holds out a hand to help you steady yourself as you climb into the cockpit.

You settle into the cramped space. The feeling of being in a ship- even as small as this one- reminds you of Han and the Millennium Falcon. Poe stands on the steps of the entrance door and begins to explain all of the buttons, switches, levers, and radars.

After a few minutes of reminders and a bit of healthy arguing, you take off his helmet and wait for him to move.

"Don't you want to fly?"

"In your precious X-wing by myself? No."

"I'll be with you."

"There's barely room in here for one person, there's no way we'd both fit."

"Yeah, I guess you're right."

Neither of you move to leave the cockpit, sitting in silence, both imagining sitting that close to each other. The thought causes heat to rise to your face and you futilely try to shake it from your mind.

You lift yourself out of the seat, thinking of all the ways this could go wrong, and move towards the exit.

"You gonna let me out or what?"

"Sit back down."

You hesitate at his demanding tone before regaining your confidence.

"Why are you so set on this?"

He huffs at your stubbornness but doesn't budge. He nods to the pilots seat with a determination you can't bring yourself to dare.

"You fly. I'll watch."

He finally agrees, slightly relieved that he won't be putting his ship at risk.

You shift in the close quarters and try to keep as much of your body from touching him as possible. He glances back at you with a raised eyebrow.

"You cannot be comfortable like that."

"I'm fine, flyboy. Just go."

But as soon as the ship lifts from the ground you instinctively wrap your arms around his torso. You can't see it but the corners of his mouth raise slightly before he covers it by readying for take off. As soon as he's clear, the ship speeds out into the field of stars. Although it's a little faster than you would've liked, the adrenaline rush from riding in a ship is something you've missed.

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