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It was the start of another normal day at UA when tamaki woke up with a groan.
Just great...Another anxiety filled day.
Like he didn't have a hard enough time already.

He forcefully dragged himself out of bed and went to get cleaned up. As he entered the bathroom to brush his teeth, he started planning out how his day would go.
Obviously, the only way to lessen His panic attacks was to plan out his day step by step with precision. He definitely didn't want something to pop up that he didn't plan and give him a panic attack, oh no he could definitely do this, today will be a peace of cake.

Well, how wrong could he have been? VERY WRONG.

As soon as Tamaki left his house, he was met with the sun, LITERALLY.
There stood mirio, his childhood best friend and crush (not that he'd ever have the courage to tell him) in front of him waving madly with a grin plastered across his face that put freaking All Might to shame.

"good morning Tama" he exclaimed like a kid high on sugar. Tamaki groaned in reply and immediately hid his face under his oversized hoddie.
Mirio swung his long arm over Tamaki's shoulder and walked with him to their school bus.

Soon after they reached school and entered the gates, Miriro started saying good morning to literally anyone they passed on the way.
Tamaki wondered how he, a socially awkward introvert managed to become best friends with the biggest extrovert in the history of extroverts. As if reading his thoughts, mirio piped up with a laugh and said, "no one will ever know Tama, stop questioning it".

Tamaki jerked up out of surprise only to realise people were staring and decidingly slouched into nothingness again, which only caused mirio to laugh more and draw more attention.

Stop being so sunny, it's like 9am in the morning, Tamaki said with a sigh as he tried to search for a decent wall to place his head on.

"I can't help it Tama, I like talking" mirio said with yet another flashy grin.

"Whatever" tamaki said as he finally found a wall that looked comfortable and decided to lean against it till class started.


~Tamaki pov~

After class was over, mirio bounced up to me and asked me if I was okay, because naturally, I was leaning against the wall again(picture above).
I said I was fine and just a little anxious so he explained that All Might was calling him for something urgent so he needed to go to him and that I should just continue my own way back home alone and he'd catch up later.

I nodded in reply but deep inside I wanted to scream at him for leaving me alone. After all, people are only nice to me because he's my best friend. And after he leaves,
Well let's just say, things get unpleasant.

I watched him skip away, taking his sunshine with him. Basically leaving me in the shadows.

I pulled my hoodie over my ears and head and started speed walking away before anyone could catch up with me.
Mirio leaving me here alone was like leaving a clueless zebra in the territory of hungry lions.

I was almost out of the school when I felt a cold unwelcoming hand on my shoulder. I flinched and kept my head down.

"who do we have here? is this really little suneater here without his bodyguard? That's a rare sight isn't it? " the voice chuckled coldly.

I didn't have to lift my head up to know that it was neito monoma from class 1b.
YES, I know I was a senior to him but I honestly didn't have the courage to deal with him. Not now, NOT EVER.

He tightened his grasp on my shoulder and put his fingers under my chin. I shuddered under his touch which seemed to pleasure him more. The fact that he knew I was about to have an anxiety attack, obviously seemed to sit right with him.

He lifted my chin up and forced me to look into his eyes. I tried pulling away but he had a tight grip on my chin.
It was basically useless to try and escape and he knew that and tried to use it to his advantage.

"about to have an anxiety attack are we?"


He slapped me across they face and threw me across the room by my shirt collar.

"somebody as weak as you shouldn't even have been let into UA, nevermind the hero course. It's just pathetic! I grunted which earned me a punch to the ribs.
They'll let just about anyone in at this point now, won't they?" he sneered and swiftly kicked me in the stomach.

My panick attack was getting worse and I had just realised I didn't have my inhaler. If he didn't stop right now, I'd lose my breath. I could hardly even think straight and my vision was already going hazy.

Right before I passed out, I think I saw mirio punch monoma right in the face.

"he might not be able to save everyone, but he'll always save me"


I thought with a small smile before I drifted into unconsciousness, feeling warm, welcoming arms pick me up and hold me close.

~Mirio pov~

I was walking out of the school after talking with all might and you can imagine my shock when I saw Tama on the floor covered in bruises.
I look forward to see none other than neito monoma giving him a kick to his stomach.


After that, I saw red. Next thing I know, I had punched him right in the face. He stumbled back and cursed me out before sprinting away.

I ran towards Tama who seemed to be slipping out of consciousness at a very fast rate. I started panicking and picked him up in bridal style to hold him close and rushed to recovery girls office.

When I reached there, she must have taken one look at the sorry state we were in because she clicked her tongue and set to work to fix Tama up.
After she was done she told me to take him to my house for the night as his house was further away and would take up more of his energy that he didn't have to reach there.
I nodded and picked up the sleeping boy in my arms and left.

It was around 12am when I reached home. I placed Tama on my bed and moved to the sofa. I wished I could cuddle with him in my bed, but I don't know if he feels the same way I do for him so I'll have to sleep on the sofa.

At around 3am in the morning I jolted awake to a scream. That voice had to be Tama's. I ran at top speed to my bedroom only to see Tama hyperventilating. He probably had a bad dream about today.
I slipped into the room and started comforting him. After he calmed down, I got up to leave but he held my hand tightly with an iron grip to stopped me from leaving.

"please stay" he said in a soft voice, hiding his face behind his free hand. Even though it was dark, I could see his ears going red.
I chuckled and slipped back into the bed with him. He put his head on my chest and whispered something to me before pretending to go to sleep. I don't think he thought I heard but I did.

"I love you too Tamaki" I said and kissed his head.
He gave me a small smile before snuggling into me and dozing off.
How I deserved this beautiful angel? No one will ever know.
(1319 words)
finally got a new chapter for this book lmao, I told you I wasnt deserting it💀😂

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