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It was just another normal day in the life of Izuku midoriya

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It was just another normal day in the life of Izuku midoriya...
As usual he got dressed, ate and headed off for yet another tiring day of school.
As soon as he reached his classroom, he headed straight for the back of the classroom to avoid any and all
social interactions(If you haven't realised yet, he isn't too good at interaction).
Another huge reason as to why he had chosen that one particular spot was
that he could perfectly see his childhood crush, Katsuki Bakugo!
He blushed furiously at the thought of his name.
At a young age he had come to be known as "deku" but only from bakugou's mouth...at first it was used as an insult but soon, it just stuck.
Midoriya, on the other hand just loved to refer to the blonde as "kacchan", a term of endearment that bakugo never really quite understood but didn't bother to change.
He never really understood why that Damned deku was so nice to him even tho he was nothing but terrible to him, it really got on his nerves.
(Deku called him kacchan as a short baby form of the word, Katsu-chan)

Deku believed that bakugo was an extremely kind person at heart but he just acted tough in front of his friends, family and other people.
he knew this because whenever they were alone together, kacchan would always act soo nicely towards him as if they never fought but as soon as they were out in public, he was back to his old ways.

Anyways, back to the present,
Deku continued to watch kacchan as he started to light up his quirk in his palms like little crackles to show off to his classmates.
This made deku swoon and blush...he really was amazing, wasnt he?
As soon as he realised he was blushing, he buried his face in his hands trying to push away the blush creeping around his entire face.
Even though bakugo was showing off, he couldn't drag his focus away from deku at all! And everytime he caught himself looking, he had to try to force his gaze away.
He never knew why deku was so sweet to him all the time because no matter how rude he was to him, deku always came back. To be honest, he was only ever rude to him because he didnt want deku to know his true feeling for him...he didn't even want to acknowledge them himself...
He was in fact, in LOVE with midoriya and he couldn't say a thing about it because he was too scared of losing his dignity and of losing deku if he said NO!
So of course bakugo, being the airhead he was, thought it was better to cover his feelings by bullying.

soon their teacher came into the class to start their lesson and everyone settled down to study but for some strange reason neither of them could focus...deku was doodling bakugo with a ton of Hearts in his hero anlysis book without realising while bakugo kept watching deku from the side of his eye to try and figure out what he kept writing absentmindedly.

Very soon their teacher walked up to bakugo and slapped the back of his head to ask him to concentrate...
this brought a bunch of laughs from fellow classmates which bakugo only yelled "SHINEEE!!" to, but really the only laugh he focused on was was the light giggle that came out of deku's mouth.
he looked over to see a little heart hanging from the tip of the deku's notebook...this really peaked his curiosity so he made up his mind to go check out what it was after class.

As soon as the bell rang and everyone had gathered their stuff to leave, bakugo took his chance and blocked deku from leaving...he looked down to see a trembling green haired boy and smirked.
He then proceeded to grab dekus bag and emptied the contents onto the floor as he looked around for the book he was writing in.
"Kacchan no! Kacchan please dont!" were the words he heard in the background from deku but he ignored it as he continued to search for the book...finally, he found it and ripped out the page he saw the heart on.
Deku froze in his tracks and started to blush crazily as kacchan drew the paper nearer to his eyes...he was about to tease deku for being so shy and vulnerable until he saw what was on the paper....
A drawing of him! NO, a drawing of him with hearts all around it!!
Wtf was this shitty nerd thinking???!!! A blush started creeping up his face but he pushed it down.
He stared at deku to see him as red as a cherry tomato...that's when he realised that he had deku in a kabedon!!
He didnt really care though as he pushed the paper into dekus face, motioned towards it and stuttered out,
Deku hung his head in embarrassment and didn't dare look kacchan in the eye...he was afraid that he was going to freak kacchan out and he wouldn't want to hang out near him anymore out if he admitted his feelings for him...
He tried to snatch the paper from bakugos grip but it was all in vain.

By now bakugo couldn't hide the flustered expression he had on his face so he gave up trying to force it down.
"Deku wtf is this?! I need answers right now" he said trying to lower his voice because he realised he might have spooked deku a bit.
But no matter what, deku was determined not look kacchan in the eye...he looked at the floor and started fidgeting with his fingers.
Bakugo had enough of it so he held dekus chin up with his fingers, looked straight into his eyes and asked in a firm tone, "deku, care to explain?".
Suddenly out of nowhere deku started to cry which caused bakugo to freak out because he never meant to make him cry!!
He cupped dekus face into his hands, wiped his tear stained cheeks and said,
"i-it's fine deku, forget I asked anything...just dont cry okay?"
He crumpled the paper and shoved it into his pocket and started to walk out of the door but he stopped almost immediately when he felt a tiny trembling hand holding onto his sleeve.
He whipped around to see a severely trembling deku mumbling a bunch or words way too fast for him to understand. That's when he finally sort of understood what deku was saying...
'WAIT WHAT?!! DID HE HEAR THAT CORRECTLY??? Did shitty deku just say he liked me??'
Bakugo couldn't believe his ears...his crush liked him?? He had to be dreaming right? There's absolutely no way this is real!
There were hundreds of questions running through his mind just then.
He snapped back to reality only to see deku still muttering some weird bullshit under his breath.
He held dekus shoulders, looked into his beautiful green eyes and said,

"I like you too nerd<3"
Ahhh I've literally had writers block the whole first week lol....finally I got some sort of inspiration and basically said to myself
"Inspiration? Is this real??"😂
Anyways hope you enjoy the chapter!!
Vote if you like it <3

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