the signs of sound

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It was 5:30 AM in the morning when katsuki bakugo woke up
to the bright sunlight hitting his eyes.
He furrowed his eyebrows and slowly opened his eyes, his eyelashes fluttered as his eyes tried to get used to the light.

He sat up and rubbed his eyes groggily, oh how he hated

As he got out of bed, he noticed he had this awful ringing
sensation in his ears but that was normal after an intense training session with his classmates because of how loud
his explosions were so he brushed it off and started to clean up for the day.

He needed to be early today as he was gonna have a breakfast date with both his boyfriends, "izuku and eijirou".

Katsuki smiled at the thought of the two energetic bundles of joy getting excited the night before when he had asked them out...he imagined them jumping around on the bed and not getting any sleep at all because of the excitement.

He sighed,
"~those nerds are gonna have dark circles under their eyes today at breakfast aren't they~?"
He chuckled at the thought of teasing them about it as he aggressively brushed his teeth.

• • • • • • • • • •

Back at the apartment izuku and eijirou shared, they were texting
Mina and ururaka about the date so they could share their excitement before the day ahead of them.

Broccoli boi🥦:
omg mina!!

get your
asses here

what happened??!

bakubro just asked
Us out!! Ahhh😍!!

waittt frrr????
That's amazing!!
Have fun omggg❤

Pinky💅🏻: Wheree??

we dont know!! He
Wants to surprise us
With a new place that
Has opened up that he
Claims he knows we will

I've been trying to book
It for weeks but it's been
Full😭🐱 it will definitely
Be that!! How did that lucky
Bastard get a booking??
You guys are so lucky istg!!

Broccoli boi🥦:
Omg what? If that's
The case, I'm so
excited! We literally
Can't sleep!!!

omgg bish
Both of you go
To sleep!!! You
Need your beauty rest
To look pretty
For baku tomorrow 💤

oof finee🥺, lets go
izu, its not manly to stay
Up this late🤜🏻🤛🏻


Redriot has logged off

Broccoli boi has logged off

Pinky has logged off

Uravity has logged off

*let's just say they did not get any sleep that night XD*

• • • • • • • • • •

As bakugo left the house to pick up his boyfriends, he checked his phone only to see about a thousand Missed calls from the two of them...

"How weird, I should have heard those calls"
he thought to himself before shrugging it off, texting them they he was on his way and just coming to the conclusion that his phone must have been left on silent.

If you want the rest of this story, check out my book "the signs of sound" ❤
(493 words) yes ik it's a short chapter! I'm working on it🤧
Part 2 coming soon hopefully
Guys I'm back idk how active I'll be but im back😂
Hope you enjoy this chapter, vote and comment if you liked it💕

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