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(Tododeku Halloween special ch-1)

It was the cold Autumn morning of halloween, Todoroki had woken up
early with the sun shining on his face
as he sat up in the bed.
He turned his head to the side to see a
puff of green hair that looked scarily
like broccoli under the covers.

"it was just like midoriya to sleep in
on a Saturday", Todoroki chuckled to himself.

Just as he was going to get up to make breakfast, midoriya peeked out from
under the covers and pulled him into a cuddle.

"Darling I'm going to make some food
and then you need to get up okay?".
Izuku just nodded his head and went
back to sleep...Shouto couldn't help but smile at Izuku's messy bedhead as he walked out of the room.

While he was cooking some pumpkin shaped pancakes, he got a call on the
phone and hurried over to pick it up.

"Hello? Todoroki?" He recognized the excited voice coming from the phone
and replied in an equally excited tone,
"HEY KIRISHIMA!!!, what's up?".

Soon Kirishima was telling Shouto all
about the halloween party he set up that night for Tokoyami (his birthday is right before Halloween) and how he was so excited to surprise him!
In the background he could hear a lot of mumbling and then finally he heard
Bakugo growl into the phone.


Then he heard kiri snatch the phone back roughly but not before he heard a loud punch, presumably a punch to bakugou's shoulder he thought.
"No of course you can bring midoriya!
We dont mind one bit! Right Kat?"
There was a long pause which Todoroki could only imagine was a challenging staring match between the two, before
he heard a low disgruntled 'right' coming from the background from a sulking blonde.

Todoroki laughed, along with kirishima
and chatted with him for a bit longer
before realising he still had food on the stove and bid kiri goodbye before cutting the call to check up on the pancakes.
Thankfully they weren't burnt.

"What a relief" he whispered before stacking them on a plate and drizzling
some sweet honey over them before taking them to the bedroom.

As he entered the room he noticed izuku wasn't in bed anymore so he guessed he probably went to take a shower and
change since they would be going out to buy halloween costumes later on.

After both of them had cleaned up
properly and eaten, Todoroki told
Izuku about the birthday/halloween party set up for tokoyami...this excited midoriya a lot!

"Reallyyy??!!!! Hfjdjusheusbd we have to be the best costumed couple there!!!!
Ahhhhhh this is gonna be amazing!!!! mutter mutter mutter..."he said as he started a muttering rant about several different costume ideas that they could try out.

At four pm they left the house and started browsing through costume stores to look
for the perfect costume...
By the time they came around to the third store, shouto was already getting pretty tired.
He was about to sit down to take a rest when he heard a loud excited squeal
come from the other side of the clothes

He looked over to see an adorable greenhead jumping up and down in excitement like a child who had just been
given a candy as he held a white cloth in his hands.
'A ghost costume' Todoroki chuckled to himself for the 5th time that day..."why
was his boyfriend such a cute lil bean?"
He wondered for the thousanth time
that day as if he didnt know already.

They wandered around for a little longer until Izuku spotted a vampire costume through the window of a shop and
squealed again in excitement as he
dragged shouto by the hand into the shop
to try it on.

After they bought it and arrived home, izuku, being the excited little cinnamon
roll he was, started skipping in excitement while helping todoroki get changed into his vampire outfit which had a corset that needed to be tied in the back,
after he had worn his own ghost outfit.

Midoriya then proceeded to put makeup on shouto's face which he was surprisingly good at for some strange reason...

As soon as they were ready, they stood in front of the mirror to take one last look at themselves before Izuku would try to drag Shouto out of the house like a child high on candy.
"Wow he really did do my makeup well" todo thought to himself with a little smile.

"Your costume is so cute Izu!" He said aloud as Izuku was putting some finishing
touches to the makeup on his face.

He blushed wildly at the compliment
"Thank you Shou" he said with a wide
grin on his face.

They took one last look in the mirror to admire the outfits and gave eachother
a quick peck on the lips before they set off for Kirishima and Bakugou's apartment for the party.
To be continued...




This halloween edition will probably be around 2 to 3 chapters and i might post one every week so hope you enjoy😂💞
💥make sure to vote and comment if you like the chapter💥

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