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Narrator pov:Katsuki had just come back from another awfully tiring day of being a hero

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Narrator pov:
Katsuki had just come back from another awfully tiring day of being a hero.

He flopped onto his bed mentally and physically exhausted as he
tried to recall what that villain had told him before he defeated it.
"You are weak but you choose to hide it, I can see that clear as ever".

The more he thought about it, the worser he felt because he knew that it was true!
He buried his face in his pillow and burst out into tears, trying to push the villains words out from his thoughts.
Very soon he heard a knock on his bedroom door and realised it was just kirishima, his roommate and best friend since he had started out in UA.

He decided to ignore the continuous knocking because he didn't want his dear Eijiro to see him in this sad state.

"GO AWAY SHITTY HAIR!!", he growled.

Kiri pov:
I was in my bedroom waiting for baku to return home from his hero duties.
Around twelve A.M, I heard a loud bang and I guessed he had probably returned home and trudged off to his bed.

My bedroom was right next to his so it was pretty obvious when I heard him start to sniffle...
this worried me because everyone knows bakubro never cries.
I got out of bed and knocked on his door.
No one answered so I knocked again,
still no answer.
I got pissed off and I continued knocking continuously, hoping I could get some sort of reaction out of katsuki. I didnt like hearing him crying like this but he just continued to ignore me.

Bakugou pov:
I buried my face into the pillow hoping he would leave me alone soon.
Suddenly out of nowhere shitty hair banged on the door and screamed,
"Please just talk to me".

He sounded so sad,
it sent shivers down my spine.
I slowly dragged my self out of bed and opened the door slightly.

Kiri pov:
I couldn't control myself any longer and I screamed and baku...I dont think I should have done that because now he isn't answering me at all.

"Shit shit shit what do I do now?"
Just as I had said that, I felt the door open up a tiny bit and I saw baku peaking out of the door...
He had tear marks running down his cheeks and his whole face was red and bloated. Even his hair was more dishevelled than it usually is.

I took one look at him pushed the door open and cupped his face in my palms.
I looked him in the eye and said with a stern face I asked,


Bakugou pov:
Kiri was looking at me in such a caring way. Hes always looking out for me...
what did I do to deserve him?

Will I always be this weak?

Would I would have to depend on him for everything?

Thousands of questions were running through my brain in that one moment.
I snapped out of my daze when kiri looked at me dead in the eye and asked me what happened.

That was enough for me to fall into his arms and double down.
I knew kiri wanted to know what had happend, I also knew he wouldn't ask me again until I was ready to tell him so I asked him to sit with me for some time to which he agreed almost immediately.

Kiri pov:
I had never seen my bestfriend in such a sorry state before,
he was usually so open about his feelings...

or so I thought until now.
I soo badly wanted to ask what had happened to him but I stayed quiet.
I knew the he needed comfort right now.
He didn't need to be bombarded with
my silly questions.
I called him towards the bed and I pulled him close to me.
I could feel him shaking so I pulled him closer and hugged him.

Almost immediately I could sense that he had calmed down a lot more.
I ran my fingers through his hair hoping he would confide in me soon.
After maybe an hour or so, Baku lifted his face up, his glistening eyes staring right into mine and said,

"I really do want to tell you, but please,
just bear with me for a little more time".

Bakugou pov:
Kiri pulled me into a huge bear hug and I couldn't help but smile at his attempt to keep me happy. I knew he was yearning to know
and I would tell him. I just needed some time to gather my thoughts.
I placed my head on his chest and listened to his heart beat for some time.
for some reason that always seemed to calm me down.
I wished we could just stay like this forever but I knew we couldn't.
Finally, I lifted my head up slowly to look kiri straight in the eyes...
I wanted to let him know I was genuinely ready to tell him. Kiri gave out a tiny smile and sat up next to me, placing his tiny hands over mine.
Tears started to form at the sides of my eyes as I tried to force some of the words out of my mouth.

Kiri pov:
I could see bakugo start to cry again as he tried his hardest to relay what happend.

"I- I'm weak k-kiri"
he said, his voice cracking as he spoke. He sounded broken in a way and it scared me... "t-that v-villian I fought t-today, he told me i-im weak and it's t-true", he rambled on...
at this point, he was full out crying again by the time he finished telling me everything.
Who would have thought that Bakugou freaking Katsuki of all people felt weak?
I felt a pain in my heart when he said that because I knew that he wasnt weak, he wasnt weak in any way whatsoever!
He was just human!! and humans had emotions too! Showing our emotions doesnt mean we are weak.
I cupped bakugou's chin in my hands again, he was still crying but stopped momentarily once I looked him in the eye.
I looked straight at him and told him in
my most proudest voice,
"Katsuki, no one who has a clear mind thinks you are weak!!, YOU'RE THE STRONGEST PERSON I KNOW!!"
I placed my head against his and cuddled him. I wanted him to know he wasn't in
this alone, to let him know I was here for him and that there was nothing weak in that.

Bakugou pov:
Kiri held my chin in such a gentle manner,
I couldn't help but look at him and listen to what he had to say... with tears still in my eyes, I heard him tell me I was the
strongest person he knew! I didnt know what to say as he snuggled up to me...
I felt a pang in my heart because he made me feel safe and secure and i wanted this moment to last forever...
"Thanks shitty hair, I love you",
I said as I drifted off to sleep.
I could feel kiri's heart beat much faster
as he responded,
"I love you too katsuki"
as he too drifted off to sleep.

Narrator pov:
That night, kirishima eijiro and bakugo katsuki fell asleep in eachother arms,
no cares in the world,
they had eachother and didn't need anyone else...
heres some kiribaku for your eyes tehe...
I literally felt like crying while writing this djdjjdhdhjdgdjsjahhhhhhh 😭♥️
kiribaku literally gives me an energy boost!

𝐡𝐨𝐩𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐢𝐜! ♥︎( ˘ ³˘)♥︎

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