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ch-2 in the tododeku halloween edition

Warning: there will be lime later on in the chapter, i have put a warning before it starts and a notice where it ends.
If you don't want to read it, you can skip it. You won't be missing anything important <3

The two boys walked down the neighbourhood road to go kiri
and Bakugou's house.

Hundreds of children were in their
little Halloween costumes running
around from door to door getting a
variety of sweets and chocolates only
to immediately scurry off to the next
house for some more.

Todoroki looked to the side to see
midoriya almost literally radiating happiness and sunshine as he watched
the little children and admired the decorations of each house carefully.

"We're almost there!" he exclaimed
as midoriya bounced up and down, probably from all the sugar.

"Okie!!" Was all izuku replied with
before running down the road flapping
the edges of his clothes while shouting
"Look shouto!! I'm coming to haunt
you, hehe!!!"

'HOW CUTEEEEE!!!' Todoroki thought
as they reached the door of kirishima
and bakugos house and knocked.

"Who is it?" Came kiri's voice from
inside and midoriya did not hesitate
to say,
"A lil ghost who will haunt you tehe".

Kirishima laughed and opened the door,
"Yep I knew it would be you, always the
first ones to arrive at any place haha".
Midoriya chucked, shouto always
made sure to leave early...for some
reason he never liked being late.
But to be fair, he didnt really care cus he
got all the halloween candy stashed inside *cute evil laugh*.

"Katsuki will be down in a few minutes,
hes just getting ready"
kiri said while setting up the last decorations.

Almost 5 minutes later, they heard a
loud explosion in the hallway and
whipped their head around to see
Bakugo staring at Midoriya in a deathly
way but keeping a fake smile on.
It was honestly scarier than his scowl
in Izuku's opinion.
(he probably got a huge lecture from
kiri on being kind to the guests before anyone arrived XD).
Kirishima gave him a quick peck on his messy hair before sending him to the kitchen to get some drinks.

"Don't mind him haha, he may act
like that but he loves the attention XD"
kiri said as he opened the door to invite more guests

Very soon people started arriving and
the house was slowly becoming more
and more filled.
Jirou, Ururaka, Kaminari and even Iida came!

Deku looked at kaminari only to find
him staring at Jirou...everytime she
looked at him, he looked away hiding blushes.

shouted to kirishima as he snacked
on some chips.

"I dont know man but its gonna be
pretty manly when he finally confesses!!" Kirishima stated enthusiastically.

Suddenly, Sero and Ojirou barge into the house screaming,
we repeat,

Kiri rushed to turn off the lights and everyone ran to hide.

Tokoyami on the other hand, was only
told by tsu, his girlfriend that she had
left her house keys there at kiri and
bakugos house by accident when she
visited and he was supposed to retrieve
it, to which he happily obliged.

One step, two step, *opens the door*


Tokoyami screamed in surprise and
dark shadow enlarged itself
protectively only to get a party hat
plunked on its head.
Tokoyami looked up to see tsu
laughing her head off!

"Hehe you were so scared kero"
Tokoyami gave her an affectionate
pat on her head and thanked everyone
for the amazing party.
"Arigato!!"(thank you) he said bowing
down and then hugging tsu.
He then proceeded to walk to the
kitchen with tsu to get some snacks.

After everyone calmed down again, todoroki and midoriya went over to the balcony because izuku was complaining that it was becoming stuffy.

"Are you feeling any better love?"
Todoroki asked.

"Yeah much better" midoriya said as he pulled todoroki in for a kiss.

"Lime warning"

Todoroki touched his tongue against
izuku's lips asking for entrance to
which izuku flatly refused...

Shoutl frowned and put his hand over izuku's thigh and squeezed which
caused izuku to moan.

Shouto took the chance and slipped
his tongue inside izuku's mouth as
he started fighting for dominance.

after a while shouto won and
explored izuku's mouth making sure
not to miss a single corner.

Soon he started attacking izuku's neck leaving hickey after hickey where his
mouth used to be.

"Lime ending"

While were doing this mineta walked
in and started screaming homophobic
slurs at them telling them how its wrong
for a boy and boy to be together.

Although todoroki wasn't usually into violence he was just so close to beating
up that purple grapist...

Just as todoroki was gonna get up to do
just that, he saw denki(the universal bisexual) pick him up by the collar,
punch his face and kick him out of the house.


He threatened before heading back in
and sitting next to a shocked jirou who couldn't comprehend that such a usually timid And silly boy could act so...


By the end of the party everyone was
mostly tired out and started heading

Tokoyami and tsu headed out first after
he had thanked kirishima for the thousandth time for holding this party for him.

Then denki and jirou headed out...
they were going to go out and have
dinner together ;)

Momo and ochako left 15 minutes later,
they had been dating for a year already
so they were just going home to their apartment.

Then it was finally time for todoroki and deku to leave.

Deku thanked kirishima for inviting
them and started jumping around like
a cat high on catnip while waiting for todoroki to say his final goodbyes..

"I told you not to eat so much sugar baka(idiot)"

Izuku just shrugged and said,
"you cant expect me not to when it's
right in front of my eyes hehe"

Shouto facepalmed as they left kirishima's house and started towards their house.
To be continued (1,031 words)
One more chapter to go hehe!!
Also this was my first time writing lime so no hate please👉🏻👈🏻

♡these were all my comfort ships lol(I also love denki×shinsou hence the bisexual moment my babie got😂)♡

💥make sure to vote and comment if you like the chapter💥

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